A Letter To The Motherless On Mother's Day



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Oct 23, 2009
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Modesto, CA
May 10th, 2015

Today sucks, I know. It's going to be hard. But so is every day since you lost your mother.

There is absolutely no love in this world like the love of a mother. There is a void that cannot and will not ever be filled, no matter what anybody tells you. You don't miss her today any more than you will tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that. Today, Mother's day, is just another painful reminder that she is no longer physically here. As you watch friends celebrate with their moms, please remember that yours is tucked away deep down in your heart where she will forever stay.

As the wind blows through your hair, know that it is her gentle and loving touch. As the warmth of the sun shines on your face please remember the warmth in your mother's heart through all of the days she had on this earth. She didn't want to ever leave you and she still hasn't left you. Your mother was greater than this world. I know sometimes life just doesn't seem fair and it never will but please, please don't cry today, for your mother would want nothing more than to see you smile.

I feel the pain within your heart as another day passes by without her. She doesn't want you to be sad. She wants you to honor her life in the best way possible, and that way is to live it. Live it for you. Live it for her. I know it is sometimes easier said than done and sometimes words just don't help and I know this because I lost my beautiful 48-year-old mother almost two years ago when I was 24.

I have come to find that the best way to heal is to remember. Remember her. Remember the sorrow, remember the love, remember everything. Talk to her, she's always listening. And simply cherish the time you did have with her and the memories you have made.

I want you to know that on this day, you are not alone. You are never alone. All of our mother's are watching over us from heaven this Mother's Day… and every day, for the rest of our lives.

Happy Mother's Day to all of the motherless children out there. Today is your day too. Celebrate her, start a new tradition, live life to the fullest, and most importantly remember that even through the darkest of days, life still goes on.

-Jenna Rose Lowthert
You are in my thoughts and prayers today. I pray that God will touch your heart , comfort you, and give you peace today and every day. May God bless you as He has blessed me and my family.
RIP mom, grandma, and Aunt Edith. Three "mother figures" that I've lost in the last year...

Now I'm in the "top generation" of my family now...
What a wonderful post! Mothers day is very tough and I am facing this day for the 4th time without her. Thanks for the great post!
Thank you for posting this. I am truly sorry for your loss Dustermaniac. My mother was just diagnosed with cancer only a week ago, and she is 700 miles away. This has been a rough Mother's Day with lots of emotion and reality. This post was timely and really means a lot in helping cope..Thank you!
The other ones to remember is the Moms that lost children. My Dad passed away a few years ago and today was hard on my 94 year old Grandma.

Then there are the Mom's like my wife. she had to miscarriages.

So we need to remember all Moms.
WHAT A GREAT POST- I lost my mother march 29th 2015 2 days after her 78th birthday unexpected just visiting with her 2 hours prior --its tough
WHAT A GREAT POST- I lost my mother march 29th 2015 2 days after her 78th birthday unexpected just visiting with her 2 hours prior --its tough

X2, what a good post. I'm sorry about your mom, I lost my mom on March 26 2015 and today was a tough day, I miss her so much. I love you mom and Happy Mothers Day :angel12:
:cry: My mother is still here, but I doubt she will be more than a very few years. Her health is failing and on bad days so is her will. Sympathy for all who have lost theirs and all those seeing it coming soon.
Dang. This is a sad thread. Mom's 75, in good health for her age, but still... Dad's been gone for two years now.

Thank you for your post, I lost my mother a few years back and I still miss her. She was the rock of our family for as long as I can remember. As her health and mind began to fade, I was on the road working. I called her every Sunday after she went to church and it broke my heart to hear her ask me when I was coming home. The day she passed away, I was 100 miles from her when I got the call. I still have no recollection of the drive I made to get to the hospital. I didn't make it in time, so I didn't get to tell her goodbye, and that I loved her. It haunts me to this day, but your post has made it a bit easier.

Thank you,

Bill S.
aka Demonracer
I envy those of you that had a mothers love, even though they have passed.
My mom is living but I rarely speak to her, or her to me.
Excellent post,D.M. Lost my moms, 3/27 this year. Takes, some getting used to.
Both Mom and Dad have been gone for some time. Miss them both. Here is Mom in 85 with what "had been" Gramps, then Dad's 54 Jag XK-120. Gramps had come putting home with this (he was a widower) on my 14th birthday, in 1962. He had paid about 1100 dollars for it. It was unrestored except had been painted this silver grey. After Dad died in '95, Mom sold it for 19K

This was taken in '85. Mom would have been about 61 here, and I'm 67 now. She was in much better health then than I am now.


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