A little bout the Doc

Don't care if u can spell your own name, what counts is heart....... Spelling doesn't fix a car, knowledge does........ so piss on them if they don't like it...
Thanks d_d bringing this out in the open. Everybody's brain works differently, some people just can't spell but it is wrong to put them down for it.:wack: Think about this, which is more valuable in life, spelling or being able to fix things? I'll tell you, it gets old paying someone else to work on my car, I can only do a few things on it myself, but I'm a great speller...woo hoo lol!

Thanks for telling us a little about yourself, at 22 you have a lot of experience to share.
You're good by me dart doctor, don't sweat the small stuff n keep up the good work :thumbup:
I have a program on my website that integrates into Internet Exploder that is spell chk pretty much like the one in MS Word.
This way, one does not have to change pages or copy and paste.
It works great for forums and forms within Explorer.


It will be under "Tools" in Internet Explorer after it's installed.
spell check is my friend!
without it I would be sunk
even still it sometimes takes a dozen tries before spell check can figure out what I am trying to say
funny thing is I could read at advanced collage level in 6th grade
just never could spell to save my life
Sorry to here that Asa. I don't post on a few other sites because of that same thing. Thought FABO was different and better than that but there is always a few people like that where ever you go. I spell a lot better than I did when I first joind FABO. Still not good but better. LOL You will get there bud just give it time. Don't know who was giving you a hard time but like I said in chat. F them!
I'm with you doc.... thank God for spell check! Now, lets talk about punctuation ... LOL I'm kidding!
Keep workin on your spelling it will get better, I don't think we tolerate people who would make fun of someone elses difficulty wheather it be spelling or a handicap of some other sort
Dude, I know you can do it. I saw your post in the young guns. Just keep at, we all start off slow and are barely able to type a sentence. Heck when i first started i was barely able to type 3 sentances in 15 minutes. You'll get there eventually it just takes time.

(none of this was intended in a mean way even if it looks like it)
I imagine a lot of people are like myself and have a very technical job in nature, I come here to unwind and don't put much effort or worry in to spelling, grammar or punctuation.

That's why I love smilies, what better way is there to get your message across:D
I have not been on this site long but I can say that all I have seen from you is a tremendous effort to help people. I do not have issues reading what you write. Everyone has difficulties with something and I am the first to admit that my spelling is not the best in the world. As long as you keep trying you have my respect. Don't let others get to you because you are a good person.
A couple more things I'd like to add- seems like a few people think they have it all; what a rude surprise they are in for.

I started out as a green-*** kid that barely knew how to check the oil, but over time I have learned a whole lot more. I'm 54 and back in school (CAD/CAM & CNC) but I truly hope the day never somes when I don't learn something every day.

As stated before, all of us learn differently- that is why we can all help each other. There are enoug hpeople outside the hobby trying to kill it that we don't need to help them from within. I guess some people still think they are back in grade school and get through life by bullying people- sad for them for all the friends they are missing out on.

Tact and subtlety not my best points- I will stand up for someone when I feel the need to, like a brother ought to. All of us here are in this together.

Didn't mean to hi-jack the thread. Thanks for letting me vent. All of us who are not perfect just keep on plugging away.
Don't care if u can spell your own name, what counts is heart....... Spelling doesn't fix a car, knowledge does........ so piss on them if they don't like it...
Well put bud thanks and im digging ur val there ++++++

Thanks d_d bringing this out in the open. Everybody's brain works differently, some people just can't spell but it is wrong to put them down for it.:wack: Think about this, which is more valuable in life, spelling or being able to fix things? I'll tell you, it gets old paying someone else to work on my car, I can only do a few things on it myself, but I'm a great speller...woo hoo lol!

Thanks for telling us a little about yourself, at 22 you have a lot of experience to share.
lol I here ya and if u ever need help u just let me know .. any time i needed to talk u have been right there most of the time the 1st to pm me lol

You're good by me dart doctor, don't sweat the small stuff n keep up the good work :thumbup:
im not really sweating it any more i just wanted u guys to know b4 i got into really trying to help with things :cheers:

I have a program on my website that integrates into Internet Exploder that is spell chk pretty much like the one in MS Word.
This way, one does not have to change pages or copy and paste.
It works great for forums and forms within Explorer.


It will be under "Tools" in Internet Explorer after it's installed.
Explorer i dont use im on aol .... but thanks for trying to help me out .. ur a nice guy in my book rock or bud

spell check is my friend!
without it I would be sunk
even still it sometimes takes a dozen tries before spell check can figure out what I am trying to say
funny thing is I could read at advanced collage level in 6th grade
just never could spell to save my life
thats sounds just like me dude:blob: but hay its all good in the hood :hello1:

Sorry to here that Asa. I don't post on a few other sites because of that same thing. Thought FABO was different and better than that but there is always a few people like that where ever you go. I spell a lot better than I did when I first joind FABO. Still not good but better. LOL You will get there bud just give it time. Don't know who was giving you a hard time but like I said in chat. F them!
hay bud where u been aint seen u on in a little bit in chat .. In chat i dont even try yall are to fast lol ..

I'm with you doc.... thank God for spell check! Now, lets talk about punctuation ... LOL I'm kidding!
noooooo! lol Im not alone in this !!!!

Keep workin on your spelling it will get better, I don't think we tolerate people who would make fun of someone elses difficulty wheather it be spelling or a handicap of some other sort
Well Waggs i want to think the mods if they seen it they took care of it there are a few banned ... sorry it had to be that way .. but theres the ones that did it not me ... I was called a follower and some outher things by diff peeps and it was took care of fast i want to thank fabo mods and staff ... I really aint had to deal with in alittle bit but when .. I said i want to help more . i asked my self how u cant spell . so i said well tell them that lol :hello1:

What waggin said
got ya see thats what i did alot say if some one got it .... Then got calle a fallower lol

, ! ? are all I use
most of the time i ues ..... that way its ez'er to read some are nice bout telling me that some of my posts are hard to read . i for get the ssssssss alot lol

Dude, I know you can do it. I saw your post in the young guns. Just keep at, we all start off slow and are barely able to type a sentence. Heck when i first started i was barely able to type 3 sentances in 15 minutes. You'll get there eventually it just takes time.
(none of this was intended in a mean way even if it looks like it)
That was a post i spent alot of time on it was a hard one for me i was asking my gf how to spell this and that .. she helps alot im geting better at typeing tho and it was not took in a bad way at all i got what u ment
I imagine a lot of people are like myself and have a very technical job in nature, I come here to unwind and don't put much effort or worry in to spelling, grammar or punctuation.

That's why I love smilies, what better way is there to get your message across:D
lol ya i here that brother no need to fight over it :boxing::hello1:

I have not been on this site long but I can say that all I have seen from you is a tremendous effort to help people. I do not have issues reading what you write. Everyone has difficulties with something and I am the first to admit that my spelling is not the best in the world. As long as you keep trying you have my respect. Don't let others get to you because you are a good person.
respect means alot in my book ... thank u ya i like to help :glasses7: and u said ur new oh will im happy to see u just jumped right in
A couple more things I'd like to add- seems like a few people think they have it all; what a rude surprise they are in for.

I started out as a green-*** kid that barely knew how to check the oil, but over time I have learned a whole lot more. I'm 54 and back in school (CAD/CAM & CNC) but I truly hope the day never somes when I don't learn something every day.

As stated before, all of us learn differently- that is why we can all help each other. There are enoug hpeople outside the hobby trying to kill it that we don't need to help them from within. I guess some people still think they are back in grade school and get through life by bullying people- sad for them for all the friends they are missing out on.

Tact and subtlety not my best points- I will stand up for someone when I feel the need to, like a brother ought to. All of us here are in this together.

Didn't mean to hi-jack the thread. Thanks for letting me vent. All of us who are not perfect just keep on plugging away.
Vent away brother ..... well said to
Hey Doc, no worries on the spelling.
I had a friend that was terrible at spelling and grammar and it embarrassed him to send out emails. I suggested to him to start typing all his emails in Microsoft Word, use the software to help, then copy/paste it into his email (or forum post in this case). I use it as well from time to time. He is still not a great writer, but his spelling has improved immensely.
i mite try that but not on short posts lol

Why is it no matter where you go there's always some one who thinks they are better than some one else?
I've seen that on here about spelling, money, my car is better than yours.....etc.
In my opinion, this is a site that caters to a-body enthusiasts and that's where the line should be drawn.
So many people are worried too much about putting others down for whatever reason to make themselves look superior to them.
I haven't got time for that bullshit, and never will.
That being said dart_doctor, i have never had a problem understanding your posts, and your spelling has improved quite a bit since you started on here, as well as Memike. Cudos to you guys!
My typing has improved a lot since i joined here, i joined this site shortly after i got my first computer, now i'm up to 10 words a minute lol. I knew diddly squat about computers, and now i have learned a lot thanks to this site in particular.
I am on this site to learn as well as maybe i can help some people along the way. I am also a car **** addict lol!
Keep posting away, i like 'em all!
car **** :shock: lol but ya im getting so much better ... i like hereing from u to and talking to u ur a nice dude

Hey Doc never had a problem understanding your posts, Hell my grand daughter sent my wife a text message on her phone and neither one of us could understand it. Looked like a whole language. You just keep up the great posts, you have a great deal to offer this site. Informative,and sometimes entertaining
lol ya i hate texting and thanks i will keep on posting

Well said! Great sites have "Stand-up People".
yup !!:cheers:

If we needed to use proper grammar on this site there would be a lot less members. Me included!
It's not about who did better in school, it's about our cars and helping one another.
Post on my friend, that's one way to get better at it.

stan thank u friend ur one of the ones helping alot of guys on here i have seen it and uve halp me atime or two :cheers::hello1:

As already said numerous times, dont worry the people bashing your spelling. For me I am a pretty good speller, with "some" tech knowledge and sometimes wish I was a lousy speller with more tech knowledge. It is what it is right??? I for one dont care about the spelling and punctuation, it just sometimes takes a couple times to figure out what is being said. Good idea someone abv posted with typing your work into Microsoft word and using spellcheck. This is a Mopar forum, so if you are able to learn a bit more than car stuff, its a bonus. The offenders can piss off, so post away Doc!
yup im learning lots more then just cars on here thanks ti u and all that have helped me now its my turn to give back alittle at a time
Hell Dude it ain't your spellin it's our understandin and I understood it all !!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you have to explain it they won't understand it anyways
Hey dart_doctor:

Don't worry about the spelling and typing. I make lots of errors when I type and sometimes don't catch them when I reread. Sometimes my posts are too long and I am too lazy to go back and check them. We all could do better if we tried, but sometimes we get too caught up in what we have to say, the typing quality goes.

I do not fault you or think less of you from your typing and spelling. Just get your point across however you can. It is what you say that matters, not how you type, spell, or punctuate it.

I think the world of you for what you did for Cliff when you were feeling down. That is what matters. How you pitch in to help people that need it like Cliff. You stuck to him until the end like a puppy dog faithfully. That is what matters and that is what I judge you and your character on.

You can always go back to school or get a tutor to help you spell and type, but you cannot go to a school or tutor to change who you are inside. That is part of your character which is solely determined by you and your actions. You are a great guy and good friend, don't let the "haters" who want to criticize every little thing get you down.

That's not what this site is all about. It is about friendship and helping others that need it. Stay cool. If anyone starts getting to you, send them my way, I'll go head to head with them for ya...
Hey dart_doctor:

Don't worry about the spelling and typing. I make lots of errors when I type and sometimes don't catch them when I reread. Sometimes my posts are too long and I am too lazy to go back and check them. We all could do better if we tried, but sometimes we get too caught up in what we have to say, the typing quality goes.

I do not fault you or think less of you from your typing and spelling. Just get your point across however you can. It is what you say that matters, not how you type, spell, or punctuate it.

I think the world of you for what you did for Cliff when you were feeling down. That is what matters. How you pitch in to help people that need it like Cliff. You stuck to him until the end like a puppy dog faithfully. That is what matters and that is what I judge you and your character on.

You can always go back to school or get a tutor to help you spell and type, but you cannot go to a school or tutor to change who you are inside. That is part of your character which is solely determined by you and your actions. You are a great guy and good friend, don't let the "haters" who want to criticize every little thing get you down.

That's not what this site is all about. It is about friendship and helping others that need it. Stay cool. If anyone starts getting to you, send them my way, I'll go head to head with them for ya...
wow i never looked at it that way i was just doing it for a guy i knoew needed help ... now that i met him im so happy i did :hello1:and u are one bad *** guy ur self for doing wht u did for cliff and the other guy i cant spell his name :prayer: thank u that means alot coming form u ....
Like the guys say Doc, don't sweat it, it'll come with time especially spending time on the key board. You wait till you're my age and you're moving along in a sentence and then suddenly your mind goes blank and you forget how to spell something. Then I'm yelling out to the wife, oh dear how do ya spell @&^@%@^.
On a side note, you get any guff from a member concerning your spelling or being disrespectful towards ya you let me know and I'll warm up the delete button on his butt. Highlight the comment then cut and paste it to me on a PM.

Like the guys say Doc, don't sweat it, it'll come with time especially spending time on the key board. You wait till you're my age and you're moving along in a sentence and then suddenly your mind goes blank and you forget how to spell something. Then I'm yelling out to the wife, oh dear how do ya spell @&^@%@^.
On a side note, you get any guff from a member concerning your spelling or being disrespectful towards ya you let me know and I'll warm up the delete button on his butt. Highlight the comment then cut and paste it to me on a PM.

At 1st my gf was like are u kidding u dont know how to spell that . now she knows me and just ells me lol i think u took care of one of them but im not sure who did it lol and i sure will send them ur way :cheers::hello1:
I feel you man! It seems to happen to a lot of us; I can port and polish heads like nobody's business, put a short-block together or BB. But my spelling, not so good. And to top it all off, my wife has to spell-check everything i write. So, don't feel so bad and remember, Einstein was one of the greatest physicists but he could not tie his own shoes
I feel you man! It seems to happen to a lot of us; I can port and polish heads like nobody's business, put a short-block together or BB. But my spelling, not so good. And to top it all off, my wife has to spell-check everything i write. So, don't feel so bad and remember, Einstein was one of the greatest physicists but he could not tie his own shoes
ya i here ya man it can be rough at times .. but its the stuff that makes u who u are ya i would like to be smarter then i am but hay I got what god gave me thats all i will ever have and i thank him that he gave me what he did :cheers::angel7: