A little bout the Doc

i would like to be smarter then i am `

If you want to be smarter, keep an open mind and keep reading. If you keep an open mind, you can learn whatever you want. Don't think that you are done learning now. You can always learn more by reading, taking a class at a community college, or just by talking with others.

I've been building engines for over 30 years. I still find people who know more than I do by talking to them. I like to talk to them and listen and learn from them.

If you want to learn more about fixing your car, buy the service manual for it and read what you want to fix and give it a try. Don't worry if you have to reread the same thing 3 or more times before it sinks in, that happens to everyone.

If you have the desire to learn, you can always learn more. It's when you shut down your mind, that you stop learning. It's your attitude about learning that will enable or disable your ability to learn.
shut down !! Thats never going to happen i like talking to the older guys .. i can learn so much from them
D_D, you are a value adding member to this site. F*&% any smartass that gives you S%#T about your spelling. Cars dont care about spelling punctuation or sentence structure. They just want all thier nuts and bolts tightened to the correct torque specs.

You are a good dude. We are all better of with you here.

Don,t let the nay-sayers get to ya Doc.The more you read and type HERE,the better you,ll get trust me.I,ve only been on the computer just over 3 years,never typed a word before that(45 years).Now I can type with 2 hands LOL.I,m actually getting better as I type and have learned so much from reading threads and asking many questions.The members here are always willing to help with anything,even personal matters.Take your time and it will all come to you in time.Now go give a BIG FART to Cliff for us!!:fart::sign11::tard::vom:#-o
shut down !! Thats never going to happen i like talking to the older guys .. i can learn so much from them
Older farts LOL...I AM ONE OF THEM!!!

D_D, you are a value adding member to this site. F*&% any smartass that gives you S%#T about your spelling. Cars dont care about spelling punctuation or sentence structure. They just want all thier nuts and bolts tightened to the correct torque specs.

You are a good dude. We are all better of with you here.

X995 and counting

Take your time and it will all come to you in time.Now go give a BIG FART to Cliff for us!!:fart::sign11::tard::vom:#-o
How is cliff doing?
D_D, you are a value adding member to this site. F*&% any smartass that gives you S%#T about your spelling. Cars dont care about spelling punctuation or sentence structure. They just want all thier nuts and bolts tightened to the correct torque specs.

You are a good dude. We are all better of with you here.

thank you martin ....

Don,t let the nay-sayers get to ya Doc.The more you read and type HERE,the better you,ll get trust me.I,ve only been on the computer just over 3 years,never typed a word before that(45 years).Now I can type with 2 hands LOL.I,m actually getting better as I type and have learned so much from reading threads and asking many questions.The members here are always willing to help with anything,even personal matters.Take your time and it will all come to you in time.Now go give a BIG FART to Cliff for us!!:fart::sign11::tard::vom:#-o
I just got back from cliffs lol :fart:I have got to where i can use both hands too i never even nocies that i was tell u said that lol

Older farts LOL...I AM ONE OF THEM!!!

X995 and counting

How is cliff doing?
As i said i just came back from cliffs hes doing good .. hes in his home got power water and all he needs but no net yet .. yup ur old get over it lol just kidding
I feel you man! It seems to happen to a lot of us; I can port and polish heads like nobody's business, put a short-block together or BB. But my spelling, not so good. And to top it all off, my wife has to spell-check everything i write. So, don't feel so bad and remember, Einstein was one of the greatest physicists but he could not tie his own shoes

failed math class, and came up with the theory of relativity, go figure
failed math class, and came up with the theory of relativity, go figure

Speaking of "theory of relativity", didn't he end up marrying his cousin??? Ironic...

If you can't keep it in your pants, keep it in the family... LOL! (the new theory of relativity) or (theory of relativity part 2)
A crank with armor will never harm her...lol


huh that went over my head i guess

I think he means if you wrap it in rubber, you can't get her pregnant. Ie. Use a condom.
DD you are a good guy so no worries. Now don't make me run over your big toe after I eat a bowl of beans LOL.

I just want to say that DD has been a great friend and a big help showing us around and we had fun doing the driving and riding.
Hello I am new to the site and I can't spell worth a hoot either and my wife found this program called Babylon and it is free it work's great with these site like this and when you spell something wrong it turns it RED and gives you the correct spelling most of the time. I use it at work and at the sites now and it makes my high school education appear that I am now a brain surgeon. Try it for free at Babylon.com I myself am not connected to this website in any way but it is a great site that even translates foreign language to English and it is free to use the trial addition.:icon_smi:
Hello I am new to the site and I can't spell worth a hoot either and my wife found this program called Babylon and it is free it work's great with these site like this and when you spell something wrong it turns it RED and gives you the correct spelling most of the time. I use it at work and at the sites now and it makes my high school education appear that I am now a brain surgeon. Try it for free at Babylon.com I myself am not connected to this website in any way but it is a great site that even translates foreign language to English and it is free to use the trial addition.:icon_smi:

Great tip.Thanks
A crank with armor will never harm her...lol


huh that went over my head i guess

I think he means if you wrap it in rubber, you can't get her pregnant. Ie. Use a condom.
LMAO i get it now

DD you are a good guy so no worries. Now don't make me run over your big toe after I eat a bowl of beans LOL.

I just want to say that DD has been a great friend and a big help showing us around and we had fun doing the driving and riding.
Cliff it was fun but some time it was stressfle lol I happy to have u as a friend bud ..

Hello I am new to the site and I can't spell worth a hoot either and my wife found this program called Babylon and it is free it work's great with these site like this and when you spell something wrong it turns it RED and gives you the correct spelling most of the time. I use it at work and at the sites now and it makes my high school education appear that I am now a brain surgeon. Try it for free at Babylon.com I myself am not connected to this website in any way but it is a great site that even translates foreign language to English and it is free to use the trial addition.:icon_smi:
thanks bud good to have u on the site welcome have fun
I've always had trouble with written communication, but I'm getting better. I use spell check etc. In my teens I was diagnosed with "disgraphia". (Latin for "can't write".) My handwriting is still terrible, and so is my spelling and grammar, but that doesn't mean you don't know what you are talking about! If some one can't separate the content from the spelling then they need help with comprehension! Keep at it but don't let it get you down. P.S. I'm 49.
I tell everybody that I have HD ADD...

When I daydream, it is crystal clear....
I tell everybody that I have HD ADD...

When I daydream, it is crystal clear....
LOL i have that stuff to and some other stuff lol i was told by a teacher one time if u put as much time in ur work as u do in them cars u do then u would be smart i asked her where do u check ur oil at she idk i told her then im smarter then u are .. and ur smarter then me in spelling and math lol she shut up :protest:
Hey, Doc, keep up the good work. Communicating clearly enables people to express their thoughts properly. You will gain knowledge about writing and spelling simply by reading and participating in posts here at FABO; no kidding. That is the way people learn - seeing and doing.

I enjoy reading your posts. Do not feel discouraged. Keep plugging away at learning. It will come naturally.
LOL i have that stuff to and some other stuff lol i was told by a teacher one time if u put as much time in ur work as u do in them cars u do then u would be smart i asked her where do u check ur oil at she idk i told her then im smarter then u are .. and ur smarter then me in spelling and math lol she shut up :protest:

Doc I have to tell you a little story about a friend of mine.
Bill didn't do well in school and drove a cement mixer for a living. He and I where talking over a couple of beers (okay a bunch of beers) one day while listening to the radio.
A Stevie Wonder song come on, as it was playing, I said "you have to admire the talent he has".
Bills response was, " yeah but can he operate a mixer".

SO we all have some sort of talent. Whats mine? Why I'm a jack of all trades and a master of none!
Like I said, I just tell people that I have HD ADD, but really don't.

What were we talking about??
Hey, Doc, keep up the good work. Communicating clearly enables people to express their thoughts properly. You will gain knowledge about writing and spelling simply by reading and participating in posts here at FABO; no kidding. That is the way people learn - seeing and doing.

I enjoy reading your posts. Do not feel discouraged. Keep plugging away at learning. It will come naturally.
Thanks im working on it

Doc I have to tell you a little story about a friend of mine.
Bill didn't do well in school and drove a cement mixer for a living. He and I where talking over a couple of beers (okay a bunch of beers) one day while listening to the radio.
A Stevie Wonder song come on, as it was playing, I said "you have to admire the talent he has".
Bills response was, " yeah but can he operate a mixer".

SO we all have some sort of talent. Whats mine? Why I'm a jack of all trades and a master of none!
LOL Yup that a good way to put it stan thanks!

Like I said, I just tell people that I have HD ADD, but really don't.

What were we talking about??
In a way we all have add i just have it all them time even when im working on my cars .....