A question of Halogen light fixtures in the house..



Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2009
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Nova Scotia
Back a couple of years ago we installed 4 or 5 halogen ceiling light fixtures so we could see better...I think a few here can understand this..


For some reason, we go through lights like crazy...

Is it because they are so gd hot ? has anyone else have this problem ?
They all lied, once again.

the CFL and Halogen bulbs don't last as long as they say... But they still ask a good dollar for them anyway....
Since we've figured out how to properly break in CFL bulbs and which brands to keep clear of, they are lasting a long time for us. I have even seen a difference in the power bill. Still not crazy about their warm up time, but oh well.
If you really mean halogen, those run INCREDIBLY hot. Allegedly even oil from your hands will cause hot spots and reduce life. I'm sure that design (or lack of it) and ventilation ( or lack of it) for the bulbs and fixtures plays a big part.
I installed 5 track lights with 4 bulbs each, all halogen "mini's". They committed suicide at an alarming rate until I installed dimmer switches on them. We usually run them about 3/4 brightness, and haven't lost but 2 bulbs in the past 3 years.
You could always put in LED bulbs.

That's what we are going to. They are costly, but they use so little energy, and they last so long that, in the long run, they cost less than just about anything else.
And with the soft white LED's the light color is about the same as the incandescent bulb. No harsh blueish white crap.
65cuda..exactly. I am tired of replacing the darn things and I know the wiring in the house is good because we built the place well above minimum standards..

I cannot see well with the CFLs and they are friggin dangerous if you break them.

We have bought one LED to try (this week) ..they are expensive...

I am glad that we are not unique in this situation.

Thanks all,
I went through the same thing. I kept blowing out the standard incandescent flood light at the bottom of my stairs and finally installed a LED flood. Bright, cool running (safer) and it's been in there 2 years.
I too installed the LED flood lights... they are expensive to buy but last for so much longer then incandescent and you cant buy incandescent bulb in NY any more over a 40 watt...And you don't have any warm up time....I think they are worth the money and pay for themselves in no time...Bill;)
We have both type..can you retro leds in these or do we need to change the fixtures ?

Starting to see a lot more bulb/base styles of LEDs. Can't say for sure without knowing exactly what you have, but if the fixtures were designed to safely handle halogens you can probably put in any other bulb that will fit.
go L.E.D we carry a line at fastenal and they are guaranteed up to 25 years on some of them
I haven't seen a LED replacement for the 2 pin type we have YET. We're in a rural area and might not get them as fast as other areas. The dimmer WORKED and gives us flexibility with the ultra bright halogens.
If you add dimmers, be aware they may not work with CFL or LED . Many are not compatible and you can burn out both the bulb and the dimmer- if they work at all.
If you add dimmers, be aware they may not work with CFL or LED . Many are not compatible and you can burn out both the bulb and the dimmer- if they work at all.

There are versions of the lights (cfl LEDs) that can handle dimmers, just read the package it usually is on the front though.