A shocker


71 Dart

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2007
Reaction score
Uhrichsville, Ohio
Off for a couple days..............early Tuesday morning around 5:00am my wife had what they call a mini stroke. She had no control of her left side and had a very slight speech "slur". The whole thing last perhaps 15 minutes, after that time laspe she appeared back to normal. We got dressed and I took her to the ER where preliminary test were done. They admitted her and for the rest of that day and into Wednesday they did a number of other test. Each time everything except blood pressure and cholestroal came back negative. Long story short she is fine, back home, and feeling fine. There are no signs outwardly or internally that resembles someone who experienced a stroke, even what they refer to as a mini stroke. Her blood pressure has always been higher than what the "charts" say it should be, but nothing like what she experienced Tuesday morning, and none of the test revieled any reason why it would have suddendly (over 200/80) spiked to cause the stroke. The doctor did however give her a perscription for high blood pressure and a higher level of cholestroal reading.

Well, I don't mean to gon and on with this but just wanted to share and I guess get some emotions off my shoulders. As I said the doctor said nothing pointed toward a reason for this....................I told her (just today) that she must have been dreaming about me and that erotic sensation put her over the top LOL LOL I must still have it huh? :toothy10:
Oh good gravy! Time to take a speical look and great care. Best of health and life to you all. That is a scarrrrrry thing.
scary stuff.... yes, you might need to stop running around the house naked if it has that much of an effect on your wife! (LOL)

If it is at all possible, try to manage blood pressure and cholesterol with diet, excercise, body weight, etc instead of medication.... a lot of the meds have other side effects.

Praying that the doctors get the meds right for her quickly with no side effects...
I'll put her on my prayer list.

I suffered something similiar back about 4 years ago. It's called a TIA. Blurred vision, slurred speech. Trouble focusing on the words to use. Couldn't understand simple instructions given to me to get off the gurney to get in the wheelchair for a CT scan. (I didn't understand how to make my feet work...) I had numbness along one side of my body, but didn't loose use of my body, just didn't know how to make it work. Mine was caused by a migraine. My migraines could very well cause a stroke. Did the docs rule out that possibility as well?
sounds like Bels Palsy? Not sure if thats the correct spelling though. Had an ex coworkers wife have the same thing happen to her.

Strange the human body.

Aloha sent!
I`m glad she`s alright but something like that is frightening. She may have some HBP and it would do her good to lay off the salt and get plenty of exercise. Events like this can be a "wake-up call".
Thanks all for you posts' of support and concern. For the past year, actually a little longer than that she has been on (self imposed) a strict no fat/no salt diet. It's basically a "vegin" diet, but not for "spiritualistic or animals rights" reasons. She has done this to control her diabetic condition. For the past 4-5 years she had been on a perscription for diabetes, but her reading were fluctuating and had steading been climbing, anywhere from 120 - 150. So about a year ago she decided to use this diet of consuming no fat, either 0 or at most 2 grams per serving. About 5-6 months into the diet (without any meds.) her sugar readings were often times lower than when she was taking the pills. Since then she has lowered even further her readings (102 today and 80 yesterday) and has also lost 20-30 pounds.

Through all the test at the hospital none of them could point to a reason for this episode, and there are no sign physically or otherwise that she even went through this, it's as though it never even happened. Her blood pressure is higher than what it should be so the doctor gave her a precription for that. She has a follow up appointment in two weeks, hopefully all will go well and she will continue to feel good.

Thanks again everyone. :-D
Best Wishes to you & your wife Jim. High blood pressure is very dangerous and can be regulated thru medication. Sometimes finding the right balance/type of meds can be a challenge, but well worth the outcome.

Glad to hear you both are on top of this unfortunate situation and it was caught early. Prayers being sent your way from AZ.
I had a TIA not a year ago and they too siad they really didn't know what caused it. They put me through every test in the hospital and nothing pointed to a cause. I did have a high fever a week before my TIA but it is not very reasuring that they never figured out a cause. I didn't and don't have HBP but a little high cholesteral but that has been reduced already. I feel your confusion and worry, but I feel now to live my life the best I can everyday and enjoy my people. Give her a big hug every chance you get.
i seen a dr oz show and there was this himilayian mountain salt you inhale through the mouth and exhale out the nose that helps with decreasing blood pressure, and other ailments. its all natural. check out dr oz web site