A Very Painful Rash



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
A close relative came down with "shingles" and says it is extremely uncomfortable. This video seems to give a comprehensive overview for anyone interested:

Shingles is no joke. Friend of my Dad had them. Sometimes he would have to put a cardboard box under the covers so the covers would not touch his feet. Frankly I doubt that a YouTube video has the answer
I'm sort of anti vaccine.
Not over the top though.
I going to fill that perception for a shot this week. Been putting it off because of side effects.
My sister had shingles and it was terrible.
I'm sort of anti vaccine.
Not over the top though.
I going to fill that perception for a shot this week. Been putting it off because of side effects.
My sister had shingles and it was terrible.

Same here. Well I got the vaccine a couple years ago. The two people that I knew that got it were in agony for months. Since it affects the nervous system, outbreaks on your head are extremely dangerous and can cause blindness. I don't recall any side effects. Then again, there are a lot of things I don't recall. Child of the 60s ya know :lol:
I was 53 years old when I got shingles around the tricep area on my right arm. Mine was only a small area but it felt like constantly being stung by bees. My fireman neighbor diagnosed it and I called the doctor on call who wrote me a prescription for anti viral and told me to start ASAP. And yes, you can't allow anything to touch the skin or OUCH!

My primary doctor finally talked me and my wife into getting the shot. The current shot is done in two shots. We had the first and affects lasted about 3 days. My whole body ached. Get the second shot when we go back in a couple of weeks. Hopefully it won't be as bad.
Shingles suck!
I am in the middle of an outbreak right now and just miserable
<~~~~~ Crosses hisself. Trying to remember what I read was sposed to be so helpful ... Hmmmmm ... The stuff in peppers that makes them hot ... Capsicum?

Shingles suck!
I am in the middle of an outbreak right now and just miserable
My grandfather had 'em, then my pop, then my older brother...doc told me to hold off on the shot until I'm 60...not sure I want to risk it...they were all miserable for weeks :-(