Activity has picked up over here



Thanks Hemiroid!!!!
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
Triangle, V.A.
As most of you have read the US Military is finally pulling out of Iraq. This isn't a political thread so please don't make it one. But being I am in the middle of it right now I thought you guys might want to know whats going on over here. My work load has increased by about 400% literally. I went from 1 call every 3 or 4 weeks to getting woke up every night for the past 4 nights between 2 and 3 for either a rocket attack or an actual IED being found. They have started using some new techniques that haven't been seen here ever since the war started and they are becoming very ballsy, like laying an IED in the middle of a 3 lane paved road with nothing more then an inner tube for concealment. But they weren't stupid they threw several pieces all over the road to make it look like a blowout. They ran the command wire in a crack in the road to make it difficult to see as well. Some things are new some aren't but lat night we had a rocket attack and the launch site was 40 yards from an Iraqi Police watch tower in an open field. The Iraqi Police were even ballsy enough to call our main HQ and ask where the rockets hit. I only assume they were trying to find out what they hit so they could make adjustments, the locations were not revealed. Don't know if this is good or not but I am glad work has picked. I have meet the Deputy Prime Minister this week and he "seemed" nice as well as several Colonels from the Iraqi police and Army. Just thought I would share a little about what goes on over here.
Thank you Corey for letting us know how it is for you all over there. Our prayers, thanks, and great admiration are with you.
So a Police watch tower is an FOB for a rocket unit? Yeah, that is ballsy. Remember the movie "The Green Berets"? The good SVA officer planted secret charges in all his mens positions and systematically blew them when his men turned sides? sounds like good policy to me...
hope you get out soon,lost a friends son and 4 others to a IED in 07,they suck,stay safe
Chin up. Head down. Eyes in the back of your head. Let us know when you're finally out of that $#!+ hole.

Thanks for doing all that you do. :salut: :thumblef: :thumbrig: :supz: :thumbup:

I knew this would happen, don`t trust none of those SB`s
I hope our gov. takes absolutly everything militarily out of that country, back home.
These people will go right back to the same ol crap "tribal warfare" power grab, when we`re gone.
Stay safe, Way too much of our American blood and treasure was sacrificed for these people in vain. Think they will become a democratic sociaty? Oh hell No.
Again, thanks and be carefull, all of you are heros to me.
Hey Corey stay safe be alert.As i know you are.My son was over there on base falluajah( i know its spelled wrong but you get the idea).I have had many talks with him to help him deal with some of the nasty he saw.His name is Cory to.Hope all is well and everyone come home.Thanks for fighting for all of us.
Stay safe man. Prayin for yall everyday.
Again Thank You. I hope you and every soldier comes home safe and unharmed.
Sorry that BS sounds like Nam all over again. Corey take care of yourself till you can put that rathole behind you and all you men can come home.