AirLine Moisture - How to Remove?

Here is one style and a link for information.

Thanks Okla and Oneway!!
How often do the filters have to be changed??

The one I bought has a tag on it that suggests once a week. This of course depends on usage.

Another customer at the store said he has one and loves it. Said he has not changed filter in a very long time; he just dries it out and puts it back in.

He did say after long use, with toilet paper instead of filter that comes with it, you may start getting little balls of paper in your lines when it goes bad. I will run a filter after the toilet paper one to help prevent that.

:cheers:Update Problem Solved: :cheers: I added a 41' cooling loop and 3 drops drains. I ran compressor today for 1 hour straight without filters, just the cooling loop and had no moisture reaching the end of my airline. I did have water in the 3 drains and bottom of the tank.
I added the filters after the cooling loop and should have no more problems! :cheers:
Thanks for all the replies! After a couple days of running I have had no issues with moisture!
I am using the black pipe as well. I was originally thinking about using galvanized, but a good friend of mine who is in the propane business told me that they have run into issues where the system has been plugged up by little chunks breaking off and boogering up the valves/regulators. I thought about the rust as well, but it seems like the filter (especially the one you have) ought to be able to block those particles. the rust is not like the water.........vaporized in the air. They are physical particles that the filter ought to be able to trap. You mentioned that you built a loop of pipe. Is it literally a loop or just a long run from the compressor to your connection point? Thanks and glad to hear that it worked out for you. L8r

I come out of the compressor into a vertical tee - the bottom is a drain and up goes to the ceiling and enters a loop that goes 20' then loops back 20'. At the end of the loop I have another vertical tee - the down part of tee has a drop and drain. the upward part goes up 6" then 2 90's to drop back down to about 3' off the floor - also has a tee and another drain at the bottom of this pipe. I hook the filters up above the tee and draw air off here.

I will snap some pics later today. I took pics and found out that MS Office was removed from my computer; I will reload it later tonight and resize the pics.

I ran it last week at least 30 hours and it is working great! No moisture reaching my guns at all!