Alcopops make me sick



Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2010
Reaction score
Scarborough, Qld
Anyone experienced sickness after drinking the Premixed Alcoholic cans such as Jack and Cola. I usually only drink JD I mix myself and have 2-4 and feel good. Last night someone offered me a premixed JD and cola and I only had one and I feel like crap. It feels like I have been on an all night bender. Anyone else experience this?.
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I wasn't aware such a thing existed (and the thread title made me imagine alcohol popsicles)

JD and I disagree at times, we've got a mixed history, lol.

Night Train and I also have a mixed history (chasing garbage trucks barefoot in the snow, impaling my foot with a lamp, etc)
That happened to my wife after drinking one wine cooler at a wedding reception. We knew it wasn't the food because we ate the same thing.
She was sick the next day too. She hasn't had one since.
I've been tempted but haven't tried one yet. After hearing this I'll stick to mixing my own JD and Coke!
I assume it is the high sugar content off brand cola they use. I like Rum and Coke, but can't imagine how bad it would taste with a cheap, off brand cola.
I assume it is the high sugar content off brand cola they use. I like Rum and Coke, but can't imagine how bad it would taste with a cheap, off brand cola.

Theres 2 ways it can go... Nasty or "Wow, that aint bad." Wow that aint bad, can actually be a bad experience, and I know that from experience, lol.

Years back, when I first set out on my own, my fridge was pretty empty. I had a pizza, a Fifth of Jack, a 6 pack and some leftovers a family member dropped off, in the fridge. I grabbed the bottle of jack, and realized I had no cola to mix it with. I thought about drinking it straight, and was immediately hit with horrible flashbacks. So I pushed some stuff out of the way in the fridge and I found a couple cans of Minute Maid Lemonade Soda hiding in the back...

That stuff is SWEET (as in sugary), I mixed a drink in a water glass (like I said, I had just set out on my own in life, I didn't even have a shot glass or mugs) and sat down to watch some TV. Felt nothing after the first glass, so I mixed another (1/2 Jack, 1/2 Lemonade)...Nothing. Mixed another (3/4 Jack, 1/4 Lemonade). Still felt nothing.

At this point I stare at the glass and rant. "That lemonade soda is killing the alcohol!" So I mixed another potent batch of 3/4-1/4 and I make it about a quarter of the way into the glass when it all hit me like a freight train! Normally I would have felt something long before that 4th glass, and I have a suspicion that something about the lemonade soda turned the drink into a real creeper.