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Can you see the limk??What do I have to do to get my message out.Rumblefish is aware of this situation,maybe he can help me spread the word!!?:happy1:
Click on the link when the page comes up click on the logo at the top. I discovered it by accident.
LIMA teams up with Dixee Dragz, llc Motorsport Management Group

We teamed up with Dixee Dragz, llc Motorsport Management Group.

With much thanks to Maree Moscati and Pete Scalzo we have the ability to work with the towns and Suffolk county to run a program that has been perfected by Pete and Maree to save the lives of our Children, your Children, your Mother, Father, Grandparents, Aunt, Uncle, Cousins and Friends by giving the kids a place in which to practice there sport Legally and Safely and in a Family environment that is pleasing to all....

We are engaging in talks to run a limited schedule program where we can show and gauge the need for such a facility along with removing the big bad wolf stories of how things that are good are in fact not bad.

By doing this in the open the people that are led to believe non factual lies can be able to witness this 1st hand and make there own factual judgements and not those biased judgements made by those that are in fact just speaking nonsense of the world ending tomorrow.....
This can show everyone involved how this can benefit the children and make the roads safe to travel at anytime and without fear of a terrible accident being reported on the news and that dreaded knock on the door all parents live with when there child is out driving with friends.
We can also show the economic impact of the need of such a facility full time.

With Pete and Maree's expertise and experience in working with County and Municipalities in other states, and bringing them a win win win by proving and providing a positive economic impact, saving lives and providing wholesome family entertainment, we can do the same here.

Special thanks again for Pete and Maree at Dixee Dragz, llc Motorsport Management Group, founders of the "Race Track...Not Street" program

Also a participating chapter of the "Beat the Heat" program.. see the video

C'mon Suffolk county we all want a chance at the SCPD beat the heat car..
We'll extend that offer to the NYPD also..

Don't have a car, we here at LIMA can help with that..

Without support nothing gets done. Support us as we continually work and support you..
I hope they finally do it. I know they were talking about it when I lived on LI in 2000,2001
LIMA teams up with Dixee Dragz, llc Motorsport Management Group

We teamed up with Dixee Dragz, llc Motorsport Management Group.

With much thanks to Maree Moscati and Pete Scalzo we have the ability to work with the towns and Suffolk county to run a program that has been perfected by Pete and Maree to save the lives of our Children, your Children, your Mother, Father, Grandparents, Aunt, Uncle, Cousins and Friends by giving the kids a place in which to practice there sport Legally and Safely and in a Family environment that is pleasing to all....

We are engaging in talks to run a limited schedule program where we can show and gauge the need for such a facility along with removing the big bad wolf stories of how things that are good are in fact not bad.

By doing this in the open the people that are led to believe non factual lies can be able to witness this 1st hand and make there own factual judgements and not those biased judgements made by those that are in fact just speaking nonsense of the world ending tomorrow.....
This can show everyone involved how this can benefit the children and make the roads safe to travel at anytime and without fear of a terrible accident being reported on the news and that dreaded knock on the door all parents live with when there child is out driving with friends.
We can also show the economic impact of the need of such a facility full time.

With Pete and Maree's expertise and experience in working with County and Municipalities in other states, and bringing them a win win win by proving and providing a positive economic impact, saving lives and providing wholesome family entertainment, we can do the same here.

Special thanks again for Pete and Maree at Dixee Dragz, llc Motorsport Management Group, founders of the "Race Track...Not Street" program

Also a participating chapter of the "Beat the Heat" program.. see the video

C'mon Suffolk county we all want a chance at the SCPD beat the heat car..
We'll extend that offer to the NYPD also..

Don't have a car, we here at LIMA can help with that..

Without support nothing gets done. Support us as we continually work and support you..

That reads like one of those spam emails from Nigeria, I was waiting for the part where I have a large sum of money coming to me.

Then again maybe it's me, did anyone catch what event they are talking about or where it will be held? I no longer live on LI, but I grew up there spending a lot of time at the Hamptons and National. If they opened a track I'd go race.