Almost got myself in trouble last night

I could go on and on with stories involving stupid *** drunks. I quit 14 years ago after a buddy of mine was killed by a drunk driver

Sorry to hear this, and anyone that gets behind a wheel drunk/drinking are dumb and stupid.......... So sorry... Now we have these dang Phone users to worry about #-o
Absolutely. And it is most welcome!

Your thanks button was used here Rusty :coffee2: Thank you, yea :glasses7: I enjoy a frosted mug and I can get a little dumb at times :D but never would I get behind a wheel of a car or Motorcycle.. I do dance more though :toothy1:
just what every bar needs, another drunk cack tease. not a very good example for your daughter.
I haven't been in a bar in years. Back in the day when we would go after martial arts class, every drunk wanted to fight you and wouldn't let it go. Bars are nothing but trouble.
A night at the bar is what you make it. Can be a relaxing evening with friends, can be a drunk fest. I think a little alcohol in moderation can be a great thing. Not crazy about the nights i went overboard (I'm sure most of us have been there at least once) but those nights dont make me a drunk, or dumb. If it's a life style choice, might have some bad consequences. Moderation and a little responsibility go a long way. Glad there was a DD in this case and everyone made it home safe.
I drink, but I don't drink anything beyond 1-2 beers with food when I'm out.

It's too expensive for the turn over and the culture sucks, most of the time.

My mom has had me DD more than I have ever had anyone do it for me.

I will pass my keys, even after my 2nd beer, if we leave soon or I haven't had anything to eat and feel it.

Don't give her the cabby hat. You seem close, which is awesome, and it sounds like you've learned from this, or you wouldn't be posting. Maybe next time, find a single guy at a car cruise or show.

My mom used to meet guys at bars. She's sixty next year and just as single as when we were growing up. Bars are not a good place to meet solid relationships, with the occasional accident. I have yet to see such an accident.
my personal attitude toward drinking is, sometimes some in moderation and with responsibility is good for our spirit. I said "sometimes"! I feel a drink with a meal can be great. bars to me are a big waste. that's just me..

having been hit headon by a drunk 40 years ago, I have a poor attitude toward driving drunk. the dude and his girlfriend had been out in the country at a friend's house partying. he was racing her back to town, both drunk! he toped a hill on my side of the road. I had time to hit the brake and say " oh chit", then boom. I had a gooseneck trailer with a tractor chained down with the biggest chains made. it poped them into and the tractor landed on top of the gooseneck! my dad was behind me following me and saw it all. the weight of it all probably saved my life. farmer stopped and threw me into his pickup and ran me to the hospital, he didn't wait for the ambulance. bleeding all over his truck.... the other guy died,.... it crippled me for a year or so. the knee, shattered kneecap, and tendons it cut clear into, gives me problems as I age. one leg shorter than the other. no I don't want to have a knee replacement anytime, especially due to someones stupidity. ......

there are reasons to have a D D!
Nothing a son or daughter likes more than wanting to have a nice evening out with their mom then watching their mother get s*** faced plastered, flirt with other men knowing the wives are watching to such an obvious degree that other women want to beat her.

And you think YOU are going to advise your daughter on drinking? Seriously???

My advice - Be an example to your child not an embarrassment......and grow the f*** up.

I can't believe the level of stupidity someone would have to be to make this thread.

Wow, are you for real or just attention starved and making up stories?? If this whopper up there is true between the drinking, hitting on your friends' husbands and actually relying on your own daughter to be your designated driver, you're quite the role model there Tori. Plenty of great memories for the grandchildren too.

At least it looks like you're getting a fairly decent run of FABO 1-Star Threads during your short time here already -- that's gotta be some kind of a record to be proud of!! :-D

Sorry but you will not be getting a Friend Request from me. Best of luck settling in ... hope you hang onto some of that extorted divorce money for your car (presumably the reason you came to the site to start with).

Moving my sandbox back to the front of the blast cabinet now ........... geez, look what the cat dragged in!
Yea. Hell of a story to tell about yourself.
Good job
I hope we didn't run her off. I'm looking forward to hearing what she posts next! It's not like we don't have other cat-dragged-in-starved-for-attention members around here.
And the DNA test says, "You ARE NOT the father"....

- Maury