And now, some "Russian" crash cam video

You know I do the same thing, I watch them car crash videos a lot and its amazing some of the wrecks that look like they could have been easily avoided, way to much vodka I guess!

If you have the time, some of these are great. Or, "pretty bad' depending, LOL

That was good, but why do the track hoe guys f-up so much, I have a friend who runs one and he can make the damn thing dance!

There are plenty of those videos out there. Hear it's a law to have the camera?
Looks like the truck drivers are most of the problem there to me.
What a bunch of

Thanks for posting, I enjoy watching this stuff on youtube! Dangerous though, I could burn through an hour easily!
I wish YouTube did a better job of keywords. I like technical stuff on there, too

And the P-39.........just open the door and get in!!

Uncrating a P-47. LOTS of thought went into this process!!

This is both very very interesting and very disturbing
