Another Coyote Attack

I lost the best dog I ever owned to coyotes. She got attacked and made it home to die in the corner of my yard:( I don't think I will ever find a better dog. She liked to sneek out at night and go for a walk........did it almost every night for 5 years. I sure wish I never let her start taking those walks. She sure did enjoy it though.
I lost the best dog I ever owned to coyotes. She got attacked and made it home to die in the corner of my yard:( I don't think I will ever find a better dog. She liked to sneek out at night and go for a walk........did it almost every night for 5 years. I sure wish I never let her start taking those walks. She sure did enjoy it though.

Sorry man, what a bummer. :angry7: At least she got away. That's a credit to how tough your dog was. I've been in your part of town before on business and can imagine that you'd have the same problems we have here.

I had a friend in way Southern Colorado who had a pack of 5 very tough mixed breed farm dogs who protected his livestock. A very misguided crystal worshipping freak from California bought land next to his and called the CDW on him for letting his dogs roam (which they did not, I vouched for him in court). They made him pen his dogs at night. The next week he lost two donkeys and a horse... The coyotes run in packs of 20 to 40 down there.
IIRC wolves would keep the coyote population down but then how we maintain the wolf population?

I imagine a hunting season would work but I would have a hard time killing a wolf for sport unless a life were in danger. They are trully majestic creatures. I feel a kinship with them that I cannot explain.

2 minutes alone with a single wolf and you would not live to explain the "kinship" it would feel tword you.
Yeah, Wolves are nasty too. They just look cool.

Coyotes just look like the nasty scavengers they are.

I'm in WI, and we have them here too. Theirs obviously no shortage of the fu*kers! Just a couple weeks ago one was growling at my dad (He has a two acre wooded back yard). They should all die! Oddly enough, my dads not worried about them though. I think he still thinks he can kick its ***! :)
Hes a tough old ex-farmer. They don't seem to worry about stuff like that, unless there after ther livestock.

They found a 2nd couger in WI too. Thats just as strange.
2 minutes alone with a single wolf and you would not live to explain the "kinship" it would feel tword you.

You're wrong and I have. A friend knew a woman who ran a wolf rescue here in Colorado. I spent maybe 15 minutes alone with the pack leader behind a 15' high fence around 5 acres. He was the alpha, a 220 lb timber wolf. It was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had in my life.

My friend had a mixed dog/wolf and in honor of his memory he would go visit this woman at her rescue west of Boulder, CO and donate bones from the butcher. I asked to go with and he said "Joe man, these are not dogs. They don't act like dogs and they'll tear you up if you don't know what to do around them." I said "I don't care, I've got to check these guys out".

So, we took his Dodge dually up there and introduced me to this woman. She asked me "Ever been around wolves?" I said "No, but I've owned two GSDs and I have no problem with big dogs". She said "Boy, you are in for a treat but I'll tell you what. Show no fear, don't back off and control your heart rate if you can. I cannot garauntee your safety and if they feel you're scared, you're done for."

Undaunted, I said "Well, let's go". She said "I'll introduce you to the pups first." We walk toward the 6' walled enclosure and I see about 6 pups, she opens the gate and we walk in and here they come, 6 of the cutest little fur balls you've ever seen, lol. That's when I made my first mistake. The boldest one comes forward and I crouch down to lure him closer. He wags his tail and jumps around distracting my attention. 10 seconds later the other five get me from behind, two have my jeans cuffs and three have my belt. They're trying to bring be down like an elk!

She says in a strong tone, but not yelling or paniced "Stand up dumb ***. Now you know why I said that these are not dogs?" At the time I didn't know if I could, these "pups" weighed 20 - 25 lbs each. Realizing that I better do as she said, I struggled to get up and they let go. She said "Stand up straight and look them straight in the eye". I did and they became much less aggressive. My crouching down was interpreted by them as submissive. One lesson learned.

Next on to the big guys. We leave that fenced area into another with 10' walls and walk toward her cabin. As we enter I notice the heavy musk smell and we are charged by 5 wolves. I remember thinking "This woman lives with wolves. She's insane and I'm trusting my life to her!". They stop fast at the doorway and she leads us in. They are skittish and alternately charge and draw back with thier head low. One, a pure white wolf jumps on the living room table and bares his teeth. Not just a dog snarl but full blown wolf warning unlike anything I'd ever seen.

She says "That's just Joker, ignore him." Ahem... A little easier said than done. She starts telling us the names and sexes of the wolves and the others come to sniff, then back off. We talk for a while and she tell us how she's doing, the problems she has with the landowners and the county and how happy she is that we brought her bones. Feeding wolves is expensive. :-D

While we banter a large female wolf is...a... staring at me. I ask what her name was and she tells me (I wish I could remember but this was back in '95). Now that this female has our attention she walks up and clamps down on my right tricep. Not drawing blood but she most certainly has my attention. I look at the gal who runs this place and she says "Huh.. that's unusual. Don't panic and watch your heart rate, she can feel how fast your heart is beating. I think she's testing you, don't pull away, this could be interesting".

I'm thinking "HOLY ****! I'm about to become shredded beef and this woman thinks it's "interesting"!!! Ok bud, calm down or this maybe your last day. Well it is a beautiful day in a beautiful place... ok. Starting to relax". The she-wolf starts pulling me toward the back door and all the other wolves have backed off. I look back at our friend, the long white haired old lady wearing lots of turqiose and silver and my eyes must have asked the question for me. She "Well, go on, she must be trying to show you something". Mind you this must have been quite a sight. Me, being led down the long set of back stairs by a huge female wolf clamped on my arm with the white haired Wolf Lady following, then my friend at the back trying to hold back his laughter".

The she-wolf leads me down the stairs, or rather pushes me by my tricep as she is to my right and just behind. Once down the stairs she leads me up an incline to a 12 or 15 foot high fence. Wolf Lady says "Oh, she wants you to meet Rocky, the Alpha wolf". I say "The Alpha? The biggest of the pack?". She says "yep". Gotta love country people. They are people of few words but you'd better listen. "Should I go in?". Wolf Lady says "I think you should or she won't let go and the pack won't respect you". Ok...... She opens the gate, I walk in and don't see anything in the pines. I turn and she shuts the gate behind me. WTF! "Aren't you coming in?" I ask. "Nope. Just remember what I told you. Be cool, stand your ground and don't run". Yeah, easy for you to say lady.

I feel a bit like a side of beef in tiger cage. I quash that thought thinking that it might get me killed. I shout "Yo, Rocky!" In my best Chicago accent and there is a noise, just a rustle at first and it grows louder.... It's his feet drumming against the ground as he hauls *** over the ridge. He's not stopping. I stand my ground and look straight at him. He is beautiful! All 220+ pounds of him! Black, grey and silver and those eyes, those slanted yellow eyes..... come at me at 20 miles an hour! He blasts against me like a linebacker and I struggle to not fall over. Thank Goodness I braced as I'm blasted back three steps!

Now we are together, his paws are on my shoulder as we stand chest to chest, his massive head against mine. My fear is gone, If I die now it will be a most glorious death of man and beast. Fear will now do me no good, I am in the moment, living in the moment as only a wild animal can. I have never felt so alive!!

I feel wetness corsing down my neck, it's not blood, it's saliva! He's licking me! We are like long lost friends! We both fall to the ground and wrestle and I'm laughing with a gusto that I never have, before or since. We played for what seemed like no time but was 15 minutes, at which time he came over to the she-wolf, they exchanged goodbyes and he bounded away, over the ridge and he was gone.

As I walked out it felt as though I had touched the finger of God. She-wolf led me back to the pack and they stayed back, even Joker never curled a lip at me. Wolf Lady said softly "They accept you now".

We said our goodbyes and we left. I had a bruise on my tricep for two weeks but there was not even the slightest puncture, I don't know how she-wolf did it. I showed that bruise off to everyone I know and have told this story a hundred times and it is true and I have witnesses. How could I make this up?

I have never been back. Maybe I was afraid that the next time may not be so magical or maybe I was afraid that it would become "routine" and the wonder of it would be lost.

This, my friend, is why I feel a kinship with my wolf bretheren and I would be hard pressed to kill one unless a life was in danger. What you say may be true for most people but this is what happened to me. I DO NOT RECCOMEND that anyone try this. :-D I can't explain to you why I did what I did, I just felt that I "needed to".The picture below is pretty close to what Joker was doing...

I have yet to meet a dog that did not mind my presents with him or her.
But there are people that don't under stand the dog, Coyotes and wolf's have a naturel born sensing system of your personality and feelings.
I have been excepted by three wolf's and half wolf dogs that there master's say it will be up to the dog if you can pet him or her.
A man had a shepherd and said to stay clear of his fence because he was over protective and walked me over to the fence to show me and dog leaned
against the fence and walked back and forth rubbing me.
He was very surprised a stranger could make his dog feel so humble like his family douse.
I love animals and enjoy watching them, But when they become a hazard to
me or the people around me and there loved animals I will not hesitate to put a coyote on the ground, We really don't have very many wolfs here, but we have a few. I am glad you got to enjoy an experience like that Joe, That had to be outstanding. Congrat's bud, you must have a great hart and carry your self with respect and honor. Something to be very proud of.
Great story Ramcharger:cheers:,one what time did you fill your underwear?:toothy10:
ramcharger....That wolf story was totally captivating. You should be a writer. :read2:
Good luck finding a single wolf to attack a person, Unless there sick or rabid.And if your armed like you should be out and about, coyotes and wolves die very easily.
Weve had quite a few Grizzly bear attacks here in town last summer, but it comes with the territory.I dont hold no grudge against any animal. I walk and bike the trails here with a pistol for 2 legged or 4 legged critters.But to me the moose here are the ones to fear,theyll seem all docile and slow lumbering critters ,but you aint got a chance in hell outrunning one..Good luck with the coyotes ,ill trade you for a griz..............
MeMike, those cats are wicked!

While making deliveries about 2 years ago ( in very rural Tennessee) I turned a switchback corner on a little dirt road and saw one. It was not a Bobcat, as it had a long tail.

It made one leap and was gone. The bank it jumped on the high side of the hill was at least 6-8 feet high, and it never touched it... landed on top and disappeared.

When I delivered to the house at the end of the road I noticed they had dog houses, but no dogs. I asked the woman about it, and she said their dogs keep "running off". I told her about the big cat and she looked at me like I had two heads or something....don't think she believed me... but I see a lot of wildlife every day and that was a BIG cat, bigger than my Golden Retriever.

If I were a dog I'd keep running off, too!
Hey Ramcharger, that look that Joker gave ya and that picture above, well I've also seen that first hand years ago when I came across a deer that 2 all black timber wolves had taken down. They weren't to appreciative of my closeness during the diner hour so after exchanging pleasantries I got my *** out of there, slowly mind you. God they got big teeth and huge feet and great story also.

They are like a ghost, When they move you can barley see them they are so smooth. They still try and say we don't have them here, But I and many others has seen them on this ridge I live on. I have herd that beaver blood is the best bait for them, Not that I would do that.
They are like a ghost, When they move you can barley see them they are so smooth. They still try and say we don't have them here, But I and many others has seen them on this ridge I live on. I have herd that beaver blood is the best bait for them, Not that I would do that.

I don't know about beaver blood for wolves Mike but I do know that an old skanky/stinky beaver in a burlap sack dragged behind a quad to your favorite tree stand is a smell that no black bear can resist.

I don't know about beaver blood for wolves Mike but I do know that an old skanky/stinky beaver in a burlap sack dragged behind a quad to your favorite tree stand is a smell that no black bear can resist.

I bet it does demon seed, I was referring to the mouton lion.
that butterball was talking about, I should have made a Quote. hehe.
But you must have jumped in before me :-D
That's what Socket would do, Just hunker down on his house and be quite
He was just a 8 week old pup when Ratchet got attacked.
This is what I have my eyes and ears open for, Half a calf was carried off last year here.
Man, I don't know what would be worse. A pack of coyotes or a single large cat. Did you see the video shot I believe in West Virginia showing the first good, clear, measurable shots of one of the legendary black cats supposedly roaming the U.S.? Well, at least one of them really is. Using another video of a man in the same exact spot they were able to determine that the thing was about 4 feet from nose to the tip of the tail. No black house cat this time. The theory is that it is a black jaguar from a population that made it's way up from Mexico. Man, I am no city guy but I can not imagine living somewhere where I have to be afraid that my children may get killed and eaten.
I have yet to meet a dog that did not mind my presents with him or her.
But there are people that don't under stand the dog, Coyotes and wolf's have a naturel born sensing system of your personality and feelings.
I have been excepted by three wolf's and half wolf dogs that there master's say it will be up to the dog if you can pet him or her.
A man had a shepherd and said to stay clear of his fence because he was over protective and walked me over to the fence to show me and dog leaned
against the fence and walked back and forth rubbing me.
He was very surprised a stranger could make his dog feel so humble like his family douse.
I love animals and enjoy watching them, But when they become a hazard to
me or the people around me and there loved animals I will not hesitate to put a coyote on the ground, We really don't have very many wolfs here, but we have a few. I am glad you got to enjoy an experience like that Joe, That had to be outstanding. Congrat's bud, you must have a great hart and carry your self with respect and honor. Something to be very proud of.

Thanks Mike. It was a once in lifetime experience that I will never forget. I do wish I remembered the name of the she-wolf though. For some reason "Simba" comes to mind but I can't be sure.

Great story Ramcharger:cheers:,one what time did you fill your underwear?:toothy10:

lol! It was truly exhilarating and I would never try this with a wolf in the wild, ever. Although these were wild wolves, they were in captivity and the situation was somewhat controled. :toothy10:

ramcharger....That wolf story was totally captivating. You should be a writer. :read2:

Thank you 6pk. If I could support myself with my writing I would be a very happy man.

Good luck finding a single wolf to attack a person, Unless there sick or rabid.And if your armed like you should be out and about, coyotes and wolves die very easily.
Weve had quite a few Grizzly bear attacks here in town last summer, but it comes with the territory.I dont hold no grudge against any animal. I walk and bike the trails here with a pistol for 2 legged or 4 legged critters.But to me the moose here are the ones to fear,theyll seem all docile and slow lumbering critters ,but you aint got a chance in hell outrunning one..Good luck with the coyotes ,ill trade you for a griz..............

Keep your griz. :-D There are rumors of griz here in Colorado but I've never seen one. There are moose here too and yep, they are not to be trifled with, nethier are the elk and bighorn sheep.

Hey Ramcharger, that look that Joker gave ya and that picture above, well I've also seen that first hand years ago when I came across a deer that 2 all black timber wolves had taken down. They weren't to appreciative of my closeness during the diner hour so after exchanging pleasantries I got my *** out of there, slowly mind you. God they got big teeth and huge feet and great story also.


Thanks Terry. Yeah man, that look makes a German Shepherd guard dog snarl look like a friendly greeting. One thing that pic doesn't show is when they snap their jaws making a popping sound while making that face. :shock: As you know, it really gets the message across. I'd been gone too, no doubt.

MeMike, those cats are wicked!

While making deliveries about 2 years ago ( in very rural Tennessee) I turned a switchback corner on a little dirt road and saw one. It was not a Bobcat, as it had a long tail.

It made one leap and was gone. The bank it jumped on the high side of the hill was at least 6-8 feet high, and it never touched it... landed on top and disappeared.

When I delivered to the house at the end of the road I noticed they had dog houses, but no dogs. I asked the woman about it, and she said their dogs keep "running off". I told her about the big cat and she looked at me like I had two heads or something....don't think she believed me... but I see a lot of wildlife every day and that was a BIG cat, bigger than my Golden Retriever.

If I were a dog I'd keep running off, too!

Those cougars scare me more than wolves. They attack from the rear or above, are sneaky as hell and do not telegraph their intentions. Once a year or so someone gets attacked by one of these big cats. Usually joggers up in Boulder.
Somebody here in Va. Beach hates coyotes too. On the local news tonight they reported what they thought was a mutilated dog in a dumpster. They subsequently found out that it was a coyote. The animal had been shot, skinned, and beheaded. Whoa!!!
Wow! That's a tough one Longone. I see no reason for mutilation. I kill for food and self defense and if I had livestock, I would kill for that too. :)

I would not kill to "show", but I've seen ranchers down south here "post" a yote kill on a fence and it does work. If my livestock (read: my living!) were literally taking a killing, I would do what was necessary, no doubt.

There is no reason to make an animal suffer..... Kill quick and eat if it's food, if it's a pest, kill it quicker. Done deal.
A friend knew a woman who ran a wolf rescue here in Colorado. I spent maybe

My friend had a mixed dog/wolf and in honor of his memory he would go visit this woman at her rescue west of Boulder, CO and donate bones from the butcher.

Heh. I know of her, too. I think her name was Hayes? Don't remember, but around that time she brought a few wolf cubs in to an elementary near my house to show the students.

The grizzlies are supposedly extinct out here, but there's been "sightings" of them every once ina blue moon. Mostly out by Roosevelt National Park.

We also have a bunch of black bears out here, too. Occasionally, we get them out here in boulder, looting trash cans and porches. Hell, I've also seen Elk, Bighorn Sheep, Bison, Fox, Deer, llamas, Rattlesnakes.. and Ostriches out here. Boulder is nuts.
Wow! That's a tough one Longone. I see no reason for mutilation. I kill for food and self defense and if I had livestock, I would kill for that too. :)

I would not kill to "show", but I've seen ranchers down south here "post" a yote kill on a fence and it does work. If my livestock (read: my living!) were literally taking a killing, I would do what was necessary, no doubt.

There is no reason to make an animal suffer..... Kill quick and eat if it's food, if it's a pest, kill it quicker. Done deal.

Yup, some people are just wacked, man!
Heh. I know of her, too. I think her name was Hayes? Don't remember, but around that time she brought a few wolf cubs in to an elementary near my house to show the students.

The grizzlies are supposedly extinct out here, but there's been "sightings" of them every once ina blue moon. Mostly out by Roosevelt National Park.

We also have a bunch of black bears out here, too. Occasionally, we get them out here in boulder, looting trash cans and porches. Hell, I've also seen Elk, Bighorn Sheep, Bison, Fox, Deer, llamas, Rattlesnakes.. and Ostriches out here. Boulder is nuts.

Yep, that was her. She told us about her visting schools and such.

As far as griz is concerned, I've heard stories too. Nothing that can really verified so far. I imagine the CDW is keeping it quiet to keep the poachers away.

Never seen an ostrich out here yet, lol. Seen everything else you mentioned though with the inclusion of marmots and fishers. Crazy stuff. I heard something about wolverines making a comeback too.
They don't live too long around here with help from my 22-250. Hear a mountain lion every once in a while and that makes me a little nervous.
We have to remember with everyone moving from the cities to rural areas.
Their territory is being invaded upon and their food supply is moving also.
That's not that I wouldn't pick up a weapon to protect my family or my
pets or livestock if I were a farmer. I wouldn't hesitate at all.
In areas where they are a problem they should be controlled by hunting trapping.
30 06 thru the head. I believe in animal control and gun control so i just have to hit them where i aim. I,ve shot many coyotes at the deer lease. Calves are too dam expensive to feed the wildlife. I think theres a cougar getting my buddys dogs along the Brazos river. Several have turned up missing and a few have made it home with their chests and heads slashed long and deep. No bobcat could hit a pit bull or sheperd mix like this. Years ago the animal sanctuary 70 miles away flooded and they lost several big cats and I think they may have migrated here away from the city. I have thought about hunting the river bottom with chicken blood and a predator call tape at night but cant bring myself to kill it till it endangers someone.