Another crack smoker....WOW

Maybe over priced but at least its a clean car and doesnt have all kinds of gaudy crap thrown on it.
could maybe talk down a hundred for the batt
Says, "Engine bay is wide, could install 440 or 426"! Really????? I can barely get my hands inside for a plug change with my 273! Must be the fenderwall-less edition.
If his stash is in the trunk . It would be worth the money. He definitely is smoking the good ****. I would like to have been there with him when he was typing this add.
Ad says..Needs a battery, so one can negotiate that price down.
LOL, First off you guys crack me up. I have had a pretty shitty couple of weeks but just need to know when times are ruff come on FABO and you sure will get to laughing.
Correct me if I'm wrong. Don't $15,000 cars usually come with a battery?