Another one on the way!!!



member me?
Jan 19, 2009
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East Palestine, Ohio
Well, my fiance' and I just found out that she is having a baby in June!! June 25 is what they set as the c-section date. I am really excited!! Since I proposed to her in my Dart, she said if its a boy, she...SHE...wants the middle name to be Dart!!! How cool is that??? Anyway, I had to tell someone. Oh, and all you guys are still invited to the wedding. With Mopars.
When you say "another one on the way" how many kids have you already got. Congradulations by the way to the little lady and dad, if it means anything both by kids were born with C Section and no the doctor didn't play golf, I asked.:toothy10:
Well, I have 3, and she has 2. All are from previous marriages, this is our first, and probably only, child together. Maybe. I love kids, so we will see. Yeah, kinda crazy. My son is 9, daughter will be 8 next month, youngest daughter turned 3 today, her oldest is a 5 year old girl, and she has a 3 year old son. Only my son and her 2 live with us full time. And thanks for the congrats!!!
A Big Congratulations to yall :cheers::cheers:and looking forward to the day your new baby is born :happy10::happy10:
And Like said in this thread that made me read it :read2:, I like your quote to:-D
Thanks everyone!!! I am super excited. We were actually just sitting and talking about names, I think it will be Zoey if its a girl. Possibly Vincent if its a boy? Not too sure on that one yet.