any hockey experts?



Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2009
Reaction score
Prince George BC
im training off season for another year of hockey, this will probably be my last ""hoo-rah" on going anywhere soon, so what should i play

right handed shot
broadly built
and i played right wing for most my life, should i switch to defense because of my size??
im training off season for another year of hockey, this will probably be my last ""hoo-rah" on going anywhere soon, so what should i play

right handed shot
broadly built
and i played right wing for most my life, should i switch to defense because of my size??

You should continue to play right wing but if you have any speed at all try to play some center. speed is key to being a center. I would like to offer you a few drills to do at home, in the basement, outside in the living room, where ever you can. Place 2 pucks at about shoulder width apart and with a hockey ball start doing figure 8's around the pucks. Make sure you do it untill your arms hurt! then do it the other way. try to increase your speed every day. Also do the go wide drill where you stand in place, feet apart and move the puck as wide as you can on both your forehand and backhand. do a little stick handle in the middle..... great hands make for a great player! Also, please....go hard to the net!!!! Trust on your hands, your foot speed and your smarts! you will get better. My oldest son plays Divison 1 hockey and my youngest play Jr A hockey..... Work hard and remember to have fun!
thanks so much, mark. i am trying to get better at backwards skating, i skate well with open ice, when i REALLY want to
Depends on your skating strengths. Are you a strong backwards skater?
GOOD Defenceman are always in demand.
Do you see the ice well? Skate with your head up? Do you mind getting physical?

I've played D my complete life. I Dive(block) in front of puck all the time. It's not for everyone. Beat up every morning from pucks.

I can tell you this. With your wing span you can be the best poke checker in the league. Keep your arm near your side. Once the Offense gets close...your reach will poke the puck easily!

But you must go with your strengths too...If you are comfortable playing up...stick with it. Big guys skating and screening the goalies makes them nervous.

And yes...I do live in hawaii...and yes we do have a rink here.

Aloha Mike!
Wow ... 15 years old and 6'4"! I'd say you're big enough to paly pretty much wherever you want to play!
good drills HemiMark...yeah hand speed is critical. Work on your core. Sit ups and Push up. Another easy dry-land is get a broken stick (Shaft) and a rope. about four feet. Tie it around the middle of the two feet long shaft. Get a two pound weight and wined up the weight. This will build up your forearms and make your snap shot incredible. You can add weight once the two pounds gets to easy. do several reps of ten...feel the burn!
i'll be sure to do that, i am determinded to make the team next year, major midget !!!
Are you an agressive person?
You need to be to make it in hockey. I don't mean cheap shots, i mean going to the puck and having the thirst for success.
Skate, skate, skate! Work on skating and balance.
At your size, you are a diamond in the rough.
You have to want it bad enough that you are willing to do what it takes to succeed. That means a lot of off ice training, watching what you eat, and setting your goals.
Einstein said that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. It holds true with sports, life and everything else.
What position do you want to play? Set your mind to it and train for it.
Set that goal in mind, read lots of books or investigate it on the internet or whatever, live, eat, and breathe it.
Just think how much that you will shock the coaches next year when you show up in shape and show you are hungry for success. That's what they are looking for. Character and hard work. And the ability to keep your head in tough situations is the key. Be in control of yourself at all times.
It's easy to say, but hard to do.
And never lose sight of your dreams.
I played goal for a lot of years, and i have experienced first hand a lot of the stuff i am encouraging you to do. I had to quit because of knee injuries, but i still love the game and know what it takes to have a passion for it.
Oh, and buy good equipment, you will never regret it!
And above all else, get plenty of rest/sleep!
Hope to see you in the 2014 olympics.
I played hockey for 10 Years then took this year off, now in way outta shape, so I gotta get my inspiration to win back, and get into get shape, the league i'm going to try out for, is just a small step under the BCHL
Hey Mike,

I played JR "A" many moons ago. I would say stick with being a forward and get that "IT's MY PUCK" mentality going strong. That is the difference between making it and not making it. You have to want it. There is a real shortage of good power forwards.

A dry land exercise I found that works good for eye/hand coordination is. Drill a hole through a puck, then suspend it from something, (a tree branch, a truss in the garage, anything up high), using a long bungie cord or something like that. Have the puck at about thigh high. Then start hitting it with your hockey stick while it is moving. This will help for deflecting shots when your in front of the net. That is a skill that very few people can do consistantly.

Good Luck

Great thread Mike! I dont really have a lot of advice for you, but I have a couple of teenage boys, and they took a few years off from playing hockey and they regretted it. If you like the sport and have fun keep at it! Too many kids at your age end up getting derailed with pu&&y, booze or dope(not that I blame them on the pu&&y part). If you can show the coach that you are determined, you will stand out!! Treat it like a job interview....go prepared! Good luck. Oh yeah my 2 cents worth about which position?? Its always valuable to learn 2 positions. If you can learn a new position and be competent at it then great! but you dont want to be "average" at 2 positions. Good luck!!
My dad had me on skates by the time i was 6,i played every position on the ice mostly forward for years and then tried goalie i absolutely loved it,you might want to give goaltending a shot:-D
thanks so much, mark. i am trying to get better at backwards skating, i skate well with open ice, when i REALLY want to

I think that you just answered your question yourself.

If, at your age, you still are not strong at skating backwards then I'd stay with being a power forward. You should be able to skate as quickly and proficiently backwards as you can forwards. Get out as often as possible and practice. See if you can take a power skating course, some of the tricks that they teach you will really help.

The drills suggested already will definitely help. I always hated the weight on the rope, but boy, does it help.

Myself, I'm a goalie and have been nothing else since my first year playing. I won't mention the year, but your dad was probably still in diapers. :-D That is, if he was even born yet.

I also have my coaching certificate. The more that your coach sees you working, the better it will be for your chances. Even if you start a little slow, he will see the improvement.

Good luck, and work hard.
I played hockey for 10 Years then took this year off, now in way outta shape, so I gotta get my inspiration to win back, and get into get shape, the league i'm going to try out for, is just a small step under the BCHL
I played goal and loved it. Being a goaltender really shows you how important defense is, and how much they help
ha... ancient Chinese secret!
