Any home remidies for sinus drainage?



Life is an experiment
Mar 13, 2009
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North Central Oklahoma
I have been having a horrible time with mu sinuses draining down the back of my throat. This coughing and hacking isn't getting better. Nothing seems to help so I am asking for ideas. Booze won't work because of meds so that is out.
A steamy shower. I will sit down in the bathroom and run my shower on hot water only the steam really helps. I am not in the shower but it helps open my sinuses.
For a home remedy, I will fill the sink with hot water only, put my face near it and cover my head with a towel to keep the steam in. It is awkward, but it helps a lot! Good luck Bill I went thru this about 2 weeks ago, and its better but not back to 100% yet!
find some local honey...not made in CA or Fl or Guatamala...local to you.
put some on your toast/in your coffee, everyday, especially around allergy
it does not work overnight, it is slower but functional over time
Have the same problem. Started using this product and as simple as it seems. it has really helped me. Give it a try!

For a home remedy, I will fill the sink with hot water only, put my face near it and cover my head with a towel to keep the steam in. It is awkward, but it helps a lot! Good luck Bill I went thru this about 2 weeks ago, and its better but not back to 100% yet!

Thanks for the suggestions. I go thru this crap every fall. My wife smokes and that pushes it over the edge. If my wife would smoke outside or quit it would help.
Similar stuff to what A340 said... but my family has had amazing success with NeilMed Sinus Rinse. My family Dr who is also a good friend recommended it and I wish I had knwn about about it sooner- this stuff is the bomb. Both my son and I have bad allergies and used to get occ sinus infections but ever since we started using this product (knock on wood) we havent had any major problems for a couple yrs. Have suggested to friends and family and everyone has had great success as well. Use it whenever you have issues, but also once or twice a wk as regular maintenance even when you dont. You would be amazed at what comes out of your sinuses after simple yardwork or sanding/painting/etc. Any pharmacy carries it.



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I have a shower stall in one of my bathrooms. I turn the shower on scalding hot and aim the shower head at the wall, then get in with my shoes on and let the steam clean out my sinuses. Good for coughing up that hocker that you just can't get out, no matter how hard you try.

Also hot tea with lemon and honey works pretty well also.

Another thing to try is rubbing Vicks Vapor Rub at the sinus cavity of your nose. Helps me get to sleep.

12 hour time release Sudafed or generic equivalent is good, but you are limited on how many you can buy within a certain time period because some people use it to make meth... So WE can only buy a limited amount of it because of THEM...
Get the most out of all the hot water - fill up the bathtub and soak youself in it up to your neck, as hot as you can and for as long as you can. Most of the other suggestions are good too - hot tea, honey, etc.
NeilMed Sinus Rinse

+1. I actually prefer the similar SinuCleanse; the bottle's a little nicer quality and better design. I add a small splash of orange Listerine, which helps cut the clogs. It's GumOut for sinuses!

(The human sinuses, like the human knees, are proof against any kind of "intelligent design"
Similar stuff to what A340 said... but my family has had amazing success with NeilMed Sinus Rinse. My family Dr who is also a good friend recommended it and I wish I had knwn about about it sooner- this stuff is the bomb. Both my son and I have bad allergies and used to get occ sinus infections but ever since we started using this product (knock on wood) we havent had any major problems for a couple yrs. Have suggested to friends and family and everyone has had great success as well. Use it whenever you have issues, but also once or twice a wk as regular maintenance even when you dont. You would be amazed at what comes out of your sinuses after simple yardwork or sanding/painting/etc. Any pharmacy carries it.


I use to carry sinus medicine and asprin everyday with me to work. This stuff "nedi" works. I would add go to GNC and get some Cayenne pepper capsules and orderless garlic capsules 2 in the morning and 1 each in the evening.... takes about 3 more problems. and the Nedi above.
I have said this here every year, as you are showering bring the salt shaker with you, shake salt on a hot wet wash cloth and breath threw it threw your nose.. It's about the same thing as a sinus rince, add to this (like said above) honey that is made in your area...
When we heat our homes we take the humidity out of the air... keep a humidifier or a pot simmering on the stove and get a humidity gage for your home and get it above 65%.
It is most likely lower them 40% when you are heating your home, car, work place.
Have tried all the above, with minimal success. Make you own saline douche, it is just salt & water. Be careful with it as it can cause alot of crap to drain into your throat making things worse. Pretty much everything I have ever tried is a temporary fix, at best. Stay away from treating it with anti-biotics long term, as you may develop a yeast imbalance in your sinus cavities....and then a bit of drainage will seem like a minor problem.
One thing which helps almost instantly with sniffles and drainage is ...

... drumroll , please ...

... Apple Cider Vinegar .
Pour a shot glass of the stuff , and dump it down your gullet ! It burns-off allergens and is good for you all around.
I drink little servings of it with lunch and dinner , just as a preventative .

Let me dig up a link to the best Apple Cider Vinegar around ( raw , organic , unfiltred ) ...

P.S. I'm a smoker , but I would never smoke in a confined area with others around whom are allergic to it !
One thing which helps almost instantly with sniffles and drainage is ...

... drumroll , please ...

... Apple Cider Vinegar .
Pour a shot glass of the stuff , and dump it down your gullet ! It burns-off allergens and is good for you all around.
I drink little servings of it with lunch and dinner , just as a preventative .

Let me dig up a link to the best Apple Cider Vinegar around ( raw , organic , unfiltred ) ...

P.S. I'm a smoker , but I would never smoke in a confined area with others around whom are allergic to it !

:eek:ccasion::eek:ccasion: X2 on this... :cheers:
here's a link to Bragg's site , to the Apple Cider Vinegar page :

no mention of its benefit of curtailling / stopping drainage & sniffles , but trust me , it works like a charm !

As far as NeilMed ( excellent product !) is concerned : I like to mix it with water which is slightly on the hot side . Don't go crazy otherwise you'll burn your muscosal lining !
Just warmer than the "lukewarm" suggestion on their part .
Similar stuff to what A340 said... but my family has had amazing success with NeilMed Sinus Rinse. My family Dr who is also a good friend recommended it and I wish I had knwn about about it sooner- this stuff is the bomb. Both my son and I have bad allergies and used to get occ sinus infections but ever since we started using this product (knock on wood) we havent had any major problems for a couple yrs. Have suggested to friends and family and everyone has had great success as well. Use it whenever you have issues, but also once or twice a wk as regular maintenance even when you dont. You would be amazed at what comes out of your sinuses after simple yardwork or sanding/painting/etc. Any pharmacy carries it.


I have one of those nasal rinse bottles as well as their "teapot". Saline rinse does seem to help. I make my own solution by adding about a teaspoon of sea salt to warm water and put a smidge of baking soda in to be sure it does not sting. I fill up my nose/sinus and blow agressively into the white sink. Kinda amazing what comes out.

I have had the same problem as you for a long time. get checked for a sinus infection. The doc should be able to give you the bottle or tea pot as a sample.
Hot Toddy

Hot Tub

Hot Woman

Won't cure your symptoms but it will take your mind off them for a couple of minutes!

A teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of hot water will clear you up. Good for the heart, too.
Add me to the neti-pot list. The first time you use it' a little gross but you'd be amazed at how much it cleans out. If I've been doing a lot of welding or woodwork I use it too.