Any idea what kind of bug this is?



Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2011
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Yes I know its a weird question.
Ever since I moved into my new house these bugs always come out of the sink drains. Also sometimes I see them outside.
Its probably a simple answer but I have no idea what it is. This is my first home away from my parents house(which was bug free).
So being young and on my own is kinda touch learning all this stuff.
I am assuming it is some kind of water bug/roach?
Whats weird is I dont have an issue with bugs inside the house just where the drains are.
I just want to make sure these things are like super bad to hurt someone or make them sick.
Well thanks alot for the help!



Ok cool

Well I asked a friend of my and he told me to buy some stuff called Boric Acid.

He suggested it because my house is sorta old. There are little cracks here and there on the floors and walls.
I bought some tonight so Ill try to put some of that powder in the cracks and maybe even poor it down the drain in the restrooms.
sprinkle some diatomaceous earth around, too. Perfectly safe for all other critters, but the microscopic sharp edges will make them bleed out.
Roach Proof works. Its boric acid with a sex lure added. You'll have to put some time and effort into its application though. Every nook and cranny. We had a major roach problem in our first 12 X 65 mobile home. The can of roach prrof said covered a 9 room house. I used every bit in the mobile home. I used a spoon and a straw and a bulb siringe and even drilled a few small holes to get it in their hiding places like beneath the kitchen cabinets. They like warth and water. They'll get in TVs, computers, everywhere. I took a service panel off the range and the fridge and the dryer. 7 years past and still no roaches. So, when we built this house I came in the day before the drywall hangers arrived and despensed 2 cans of Roach Proof inside the walls.
Here we are 21 years later and still have never seen more than a single roach once in a while and those were dying or dead.
Yup. It's a pine roach. We're ate up with um in Georgia.....since we're ate up with pine trees too.

I don't mind bugs but those would creep me out, I have never seen one before here in MN, hope you can kill them bastards!!!!

I don't mind bugs but those would creep me out, I have never seen one before here in MN, hope you can kill them bastards!!!!

Freezing cold for months has its benefits I guess.

We had a problem with those Asian ladybugs. Been getting the house professionally sprayed every 3 months after they got rid of them. $80 each time but we are bug free. Once they were gone just the basement and outside gets sprayed.

They come back to spray if you see any bugs and they got rid of the bees that were hanging around the backyard fence. They have a dust and an hour later I seen bees flying as fast as they could in circles and the next day no more bees.
When I was working in Chicago doing kitchen and bath remodeling in high-rise condos every toilet I removed had 4 big roaches (2 inches long) nose to tail just below the wax ring.
There was always a 5 second delay before they'd be like "Hey WHO turned on the lights" and would run down the toilet drain ?
I'm guessin the drain/sewer system was loaded with em'.

You should try to get some poison or smoke into them plumbing pipes ?
I hate those things. Make sure ur house and surrounding areas are really clean. Use bleach too. Dont give those bastards things to eat.
From my understanding it is better to have a very light layer of boric acid than pour it out. Use a feather duster dip in boric acid and shake. I was told this by a pesticide company employee.
Yup. It's a pine roach. We're ate up with um in Georgia.....since we're ate up with pine trees too.

In Fl we called em palmetto bugs cause they were always hiding in the dead fronds. Big wood roach fits well. Get rid of any old rotted wood and clean out the overgrown landscape and you will thin em out
they come in the plumbing vents on your roof. get screen drain covers for your sinks. keep your bathroom sink and tub drain plugged unless you are using them. also plug the overflow holes with aluminum foil in your bathroom sink. this will help, in my hut in florida that is what i do with boric acid under the stove and refrigerator. we don't have them at my place in the mountains of pennsylvania.
Freezing cold won't make a difference. I worked at NJ Bell in the 60's till it became Bell Atlantic. In some parts of Dover, my phone won't ring meant it was full of roaches. We had a coffee shop that held roach races on the counter top..good times!
Florida boy here. Clean around the house- mulch, bushes, tree limbs touching roof, etc. Bayer brand pest, $27 a gallon, go nuts with it, especially outside. Inside, boric ,sprayed in all holes(involves taking your switch and receptacle plates off. It will take 2 years, as they slowly go away, meanwhile, clean your yard- leaves under bushes, at fence, etc.
Palmetto bugs are hell, the little germans in the kitchen come from the grocery store. I like to grab the big ones by the antennae, and flush them. I doubt they are coming out the drainsm as that would mean a drain did;nt have a p trap, and sewer gas would be po'ing you off; the critters just looking for a drink.
Those big boys- Bayer and boric, and a foot. Fought them for 20 years until I figured this out. I have lived in rentals, under live oaks, where I was laying in bed, and they would fly by, and head me in the mouth; I quess it was a good night kiss, lol.
Florida boy here. Clean around the house- mulch, bushes, tree limbs touching roof, etc. Bayer brand pest, $27 a gallon, go nuts with it, especially outside. Inside, boric ,sprayed in all holes(involves taking your switch and receptacle plates off. It will take 2 years, as they slowly go away, meanwhile, clean your yard- leaves under bushes, at fence, etc.
Palmetto bugs are hell, the little germans in the kitchen come from the grocery store. I like to grab the big ones by the antennae, and flush them. I doubt they are coming out the drainsm as that would mean a drain did;nt have a p trap, and sewer gas would be po'ing you off; the critters just looking for a drink.
Those big boys- Bayer and boric, and a foot. Fought them for 20 years until I figured this out. I have lived in rentals, under live oaks, where I was laying in bed, and they would fly by, and head me in the mouth; I quess it was a good night kiss, lol.

I hear ya. Born and raised in Ocoee. At my uncles house in Apopka they would eat the decals off his model cars. I think they liked the glue.
I hate em! I hate em! I hate em!
Roach's are the most vile things on the planet. There are very few things I feel that way about but a roach is one of them.
Lol, I lived in Apopka for 2 years, backed up to an orange grove; the critters in there always wanted to visit, and maybe stay. And snake-ridden. Neighbors thought I was crazy, shooting rattle snakes in my back yard( they all stayed in the house). I had a 5 year old always wanting out. They told me; can't believe you picked that snake up, and put it in the garbage. lol . Non big enough to skin.
I hate em! I hate em! I hate em!
Roach's are the most vile things on the planet. There are very few things I feel that way about but a roach is one of them.

Yeah, they "bug" me too...

They also like to get into your electroincs and lay their eggs in them. Radios, stereos, and all appliances with motors. Once you get infested, it's hard to get rid of em...
my wife found one of those in our house we were renting in florida by the time i got home from work all of the cracks and little holes were covered up with 2" clear packing tape 2 rolls worth even the drains were covered thats one of the 2 things that will survive long after we are gone the other is Cher