anyone else been caught in google streetview?

The one thing I don't understand about these street views is (example) Google's so called concerned for "my privacy," blurring faces, address, and license plates of things that not only could anyone in public have seen at the time, but if a TV news crew had been "doing a story" they would have filmed it all and blurred nothing-----------while at the same time Google seems to not give one sh$$ about my privacy in their search engine!!!!
Better yet, Googles HMFC, some douche named Schmitt, is on record as wanting to get his self-driving cars everywhere.

Reach a critical mass of those, and gov't will disallow any manual piloting of cars, aaaand then the old mopars are dead.
Hello all. I'm a newb here. Wait did I say that out loud? :shock:
I saw this post & thought Wow! Some one else found them self on Google street view too! Although I wasn't driving my Dodge....because it's sitting needing a resto. But.... I was heading home from work one morning and down the street heading towards me was the Google Car. And the only thing I could think to do was wave. lol & to my surprise when I went & looked weeks later, there I was! View attachment GoogleMapsMe.jpg
In the past three weeks, I've seen two intances where news shows have used google street view to show crime scene locations, and even one where it was used as evidence when a car matching the description given in a police report was parked in a driveway!
Yep, I been caught, I am sitting on a creeper seat working on someones car in my carport....I didn't see it drive by either.
It was about 3 yrs ago that it was taken, because my old house is gone, and a new one is in it's place.