Anyone else not give a crap about the super bowl?

Go Giants......Madonna for half time show WTH is that???

Nope ! Don't care. Seems like the same old teams every year and once and awhile they through in an odd ball. How about Roseann singing the National Anthym again shesh!
I saw on the news this morning were the Giants had a pizza delivered to the airport with a police escort. Seems like a great use of taxes and police resources.
people are complaining about the high price of tickets to see madonna ; her response ; "they should work all year and save their money to see me" . F*k that B* . i wouldnt watch her do anything for FREE
like most other females who watch it, it is for the shape of certain areas of the players...and certainly not the cheerleaders.

I was commenting on the post above. The Kardashians show. She doesnt watch football, She does however like wrestling.
This is posted in the general section. Its for off topic discussion.
I'm with the majority of everyone else, WHO THE F*#& CARES. I'm sure, "if" I watch TV that i can find something a LOT more interesting than the STUPID BOWL. If nothing else, I get out some of my old drag racing videos and watch them. OK, rant over LOL...

Bill S.
I care, because i cant find a hot wings place that day that wont have less than an hour's wait :(

Make your own...
Buy wings, cut in 3 pieces, throw out the wing tips.

Melt in pan 1 stick of butter (do not let it boil)
Add enough Franks Hot Sauce (I put that **** on everything) to taste (at least 1/2 cup)
The trick to the bite is 1 or 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

Now fry the wings in oil till done, drain, then throw them in the sauce for a minute or two.

Once you make your own you won't waste you time or money buying them. By the way, I've tried many hot sauces but I just can't find any that even comes close to Frank's.


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i seen the end of that game HOW DOES A PRO KICK RETURNER NOT EVEN HOLD THE BALL,JUST LETS IT LAY ON HIS ARM.sniff sniff smells fishy.The niners had that game till then.

Kyle Williams has a history of muffing punts. Apparently, in college he pulled something similar in a big game. In the Giants game, Williams made the following errors:

1. Failed to catch a reverse, fumbled, but the Niners recovered.
2. Dove to catch a punt (that is a no-no)
3. Let a punt bounce on the ground and then hit is leg. This lead to 7 points for the Giants. The thing that really irritates me about that play is that: One, he shouldn't have been anywhere near that ball; and two, after the ball hit his leg, he just stood there and didn't even bother to chase it down. Basically, he pretended that the ball missed him.
4. Lastly, the costly fumble in over time. He was trying to make a big play and paid the price for his carelessness. Lead to a game winning field goal.

OK, the mistakes happened and that's that. I'm not trying to make excuses for the Niners losing that game, but man, it certainly looked like they were being sabotaged. I feel bad for the guy (Willaims), and he doesn't deserve the threats he's been receiving from some of the fans. Hopefully, he will learn from his mistakes and come back stronger and smarter next year. The Niners had their chances, but made too many critical mistakes at the worst possible time. Plus, their 3rd down conversion percentage was as horrendous as ever. Oh well, there's always next year.
I love the superbowl....................... only because pop and snacks are on sale as well as many other things :p
dont care one little bit !

Superbowl, what sport is that ?
Have no interest what so ever. Stooper bowls are generally lousey games anyways but not always. I won't go out of my way to watch it. IMO the real game was played a couple weeks back in nawlins.
Don't like football and have never been a Colts fan even before they moved here (Indy) from Baltimore. I have to say that there are a lot of wackos here for the game and a lot of people that drive like maniacs. My wife just got home from the store and said she nearly got hit twice by out of state people either running stop lights or swerving into her lane in traffic. I told her I've been dealing with that all week. :violent1::violent1::violent1::violent1:
hell yeah i,m watching. got halfs on 3 150$ squares. Show me the money. I hope they hurt Manning early.
people are complaining about the high price of tickets to see madonna ; her response ; "they should work all year and save their money to see me" . F*k that B* . i wouldnt watch her do anything for FREE

In the minority but love football & must admit i actually like the annual ritual of drinking myself into oblivion and watching this over hyped game. Now on to Madonna, no s@#t she actually said that? What a piece of work. Would love to see someone accidentally put a video of Dennis Rodman tearing her ugly a$$ up on the jumbo-tron during halftime. Now that I'd watch for free.
