Anyone got a Samsung Edge lit 4K TV? Color issues now.



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Pretty common, circa 2018. My UN55NU6900 model has some bad color while streaming and I was wondering if anyone had a similar model who could tell me their "correct" looking color levels? There are about 8 in the "advanced settings" under the color setting screen. I got them all centered but youtube vids look greenish and the light colors are washed out. I tried cranking up the red but it doesnt seem to make hardly any difference? Im wondering if I got it in some mode that doesnt allow color correction. I already reset it to factory defaults, using 'natural' color scheme and not using vivid. I replaced the LEDs as the right bank was burned out. LED's were factory replacements. CATV feed looks better but we stream most everything now and that seems flat and tinted. stumped. Example screen:

This TV replaced another 55 that had better color but who's apps were very limited and were not upgradeable.

{{ the LED's were burned from being run HOT as in max brightness or Vivid setting, so much so that it actually started to blister he plastic diffuser sheet of plexiglass! Run them at max 80% brightness for longevity.