Anyone have BATS in their house?



Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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Ridley Park, Pa.
Help! Any tricks to finding their hiding spots once they get in. One flies by me while watching TV but when I go looking for it I can't find it. Tore the whole house apart twice! Been going on for a week now. No, I am not seeing things because the wife starts screaming everytime.
GET A CAT!! A young male is the best hunter. When the bats see the cat they will exit stage left.
No. I did find how it got in but can't find him. He seems very smart. My wife stayed home from work yesterday and looked for 10 hours. Sure enough, 8PM, he flies past the TV and and after chasing him for ten minutes, he goes into hiding again.
Wife and I have been chasing bats for years living in an old two story house. Had approx. 70 bats in our attic after we had an old barn torn down . Hired a proffesional to rid house of bats with a three year guarantee. Bats went from attic to roosting behind siding on our garage. He got rid of them but still have some in attic he has been trying to get rid of , they can enter through smallest of openings. Best advice get a tennis rachet and try to contain the bat in one room while he circles the room you should be able to swat him with the rachet. Make sure he is dead or he will be back . Good luck !
One bat can eat 5000 mosquitos in one evening. They are ugly but ANYTHING that kills that many mosquitos can't be all bad.

Bats can squeeze through an opening as small as 1/4 of an inch wide by about 3/4 tall. They like attics because they must launch from a high position as they can't launch from the ground. During the day I would look in the attic for any hole they can get in with and then in the evening plug it up. I used that expanding foam stuff in a can. Works great just don't get it on anything else as it will ruin everything it touches.

Had bats in the attic and we hung lights up for about a week! They quit roosting and the sealed up the attic vent. The bats moved 2 doors down to my neighbors house.
Yeah , I got a bat here too , but don't you DARE tell her I called her that ! She'll key my new truck !
I've had them twice inside and once outside under a eagle plaque on the front of the house. They love heat! They will go where it is worm to sleep. Get an exterminator with a guarantee and be done with it. There crap is toxic. There were 7 bats under that stupid plaque! It hung over our front door and finding what we thought was mouse crap in front of the door. Long story short figured out they were coming from the plaque. Got up there with a screwdriver and heard the noise. Got the hose out and 7 bats wiggled out. I think it's illegal to kill them so if something might happen to it don't advertise it. They will keep coming back if you don't seal off the openings. Good luck. PM me with your phone number and I can give you more details. Pretty funny stories!
Sorry but I had to share

dark place lamp shade behind couch,chair light fixture somewhere high mine was upside down underside end table
As suggested, put a light in the attic, also do a web search for a animal siren, it is too high pitch for humans to hear, but will drive the bats away, it will also bother your pets so caution.
Help! Any tricks to finding their hiding spots once they get in. One flies by me while watching TV but when I go looking for it I can't find it. Tore the whole house apart twice! Been going on for a week now. No, I am not seeing things because the wife starts screaming everytime.

:-k in your house :-k I would start out by closing every door in your house to
determine the room it is nesting, if he/she is in your attic it could be dropping
out of a light fixture box in your ceiling then flying back to and crawling back.
Do you have a console tv or radio (big boxed system) in you home ?
These critters can crawl and clime to a take off area (for flight) like a mouse
if a mouse could fly :D Look for droppings (poop) in any cabinet, or in a hot water heater/A/C air unit closet.
Keep us updated, I have had a bat or two in my house a few years ago :-#

Know my wife grabs a broom to run me off :D
Lord only knows where they get in at. We had one the other night and my son netted it and got it out of the house. We have a old house with so many nooks and crannies where they could enter. tmm