Anyone have their windshield out? Windshield trim clip Q



Does anyone read this?
Aug 4, 2006
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My Scamp is at the the glass shop getting the windshield installed. Before they can put in the glass they need to install the chrome trim clips and they've hit a snag. There are 23 clips (4 one size, 19 of another size) and they're not sure where the 4 larger size clips go. I suspect they might go along the bottom to hold the lower windhield chrome trim on. Does anyone know where these 4 larger clips go? The glass shop is saying I need to buy more clips (4 smaller ones) before they can put the windshield in but why would there be 4 large clips in the kit in the first place (surely it's for a reason??)??
I think someone mix matched and/or used whatever was available. All the clips should be the same size. There are 4 on each A-pillar post and atleast 7 at top and bottom. You really cant have too many.
I have my glass out now. I don't recall there being different sizes. I will look at them tomorrow and post again.
We replaced all the clips on front and back glass for my son's Dart Sport. I bought them from somewhere online, and they were all the same size - I believe 20 per set. The only problem we ran into, and you should also check out, is the size of the screws. The heads of the screws supplied with the clips were a bit large and the window trim would not snap into place. I had to buy new screws with smaller heads.

I'm looking at the clips hear from my dart & the rears are larger than the fronts but all fronts are the seam & all rears are the same. I have seen the larg & small ones combines on the front of a 71 duster before.