Anyone here like Led Zeppelin?

Think the question should have been anyone here that doesn't like Led Zeppelin.
Back in the day when they had midnight movies we used to see the Song Remains the Same. Great movie when you were in an "altered state"
Like Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd, no Idea if local station do anything like that. I only listen to one local station when there is severe weather(thunderstorms, tornados, snow), and there is only one station around here that is live enough to give decent weather updates. All of the music on local is downloaded play lists, so I listen to CD or XM.
So I didn't read all the post of ppl saying"I love them".
Here a bit of ZEP trivia:What song refereneced lord of the rings?
Ramble On...

'Twas in the darkest depths of Mordor
I met a girl so fair.
But Gollum, and the evil one crept up
And slipped away with her.
Correct I was beginning to worry after 15 mins no answer.
Ok what group in the 80"s did robert plant sing for?
Yah....They were pretty good.....:cool:


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Back in the day, I had all their albums...Zeppelin up to Physical Graffiti, and Sabbath up to Never Say Die. Eagles, Pink Floydd, Skynard, Bad Co. BTO, a new band....AC/DC. Hey, I saw Dirty Deeds in the Sam Houston Coliseum, and there were lots of empty seats. I loved all 'em them rock bands.
I like Zep.
And Mopars.
One of mine pic taken 1983
