Anyone keep axolotls on here?



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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I'm considering getting one (or two) for the kids but I don't know the first thing about them

We allready have a decent sized aquarium but I guess they don't do well with fish?
I had to look it up. I've had extensive fresh and salt water aquariums over the years a long time ago. You'd think as a salamander, they'd be bottom dwellers and stay out of everybody else's way. Have you found something to the contrary?
from what i read, the other fish mistake their gills for worms and nibble on them
with their gills gone, they simply suffocate and die
Well, here they are
We'll see how they do


Hell I thought you guys were talking about some medication/ supplement
Wouldn't surprise me if the Japanese used em for that, but they are aquatic salamanders which are native to a lake in Mexico...funky looking Critters, but I find em quite cute
They are super endangered, there are only about 1200 left in the wild.
I used to have them as a kid. I collected water bugs to feed them with (from the cattle troughs....they grew to be a reasonable size, and more fun than growing frogs.

It started as a school project, and then I collected some eggs for myself to take home. I must have had them for about 3 years or thereabouts.

AKA Mexican Walking Fish.
This one is kinda growing on me...what a strange animals

Those appendages on his head are actually his gills


i send my boy out to find some worms for the little guy
i gotta tell you...these things are cute as a button
