Anyone know electronics company's that sell power cords for Rip Tunes radio-cassette players.



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Rancho Cordova, CA
As my heading states, I'm looking to purchase a power supply cord for a Rip Tunes, radio-cassette unit RACR-400 that i have.

Anyone know of any companies out there in the internet world, selling power cords, with pretty much that have to be universal plug in ends to the unit.

You can't do anything on their web page, and when prompted to make a telephone call, you get disconnected.

I like the radio, and would like to continue using it other than the battery power.

Their "customer service" sucks, so that's why I'm asking here, on this site.

Thank's a lot.
Jim V.

Rip Tunes CD Radio.jpg
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Not 100% sure, but looking at the user manual online, it appears to be a two prong female end. If so, these are common, and used on notebook adapters. Most adapters use either this two prong, or a three prong version. If so, they should be available at any computer store.

OIP (1).jpeg
Thank's for your reply.
I ordered a power supply cord from an ebay vendor, that i hope is the one that i need.
This is what my connection end looks like.
Keep my fingers crossed.

Power Cord Image.jpg
Those are a fairly common cable. I see them routinely in thrift stores around here. There's another, similar one that has a rounded corner and a square corner to try to polarize it. With a little shaving you can get them to work as well. Some of the IBM/ Lenovo/ Thinkpad laptops used them
Those are a fairly common cable. I see them routinely in thrift stores around here. There's another, similar one that has a rounded corner and a square corner to try to polarize it. With a little shaving you can get them to work as well. Some of the IBM/ Lenovo/ Thinkpad laptops used themEDIT:
In today's mail i received the power cable that i purchased from the ebay vendor.
It fit, it worked, so I'm a happy camper.
Appreciate everyone's "heads up" given, with my question.
Thank's a lot.
Jim V.
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Glad you found what you were looking for!

Earlier this week I was cleaning out the attic and came across some of my old tapes…..
