Anyone remember this??

My youngest boy is 30 about to turn 31 and I don't think he ever seen a real to reel in school..
I remembered in kindergarten kissing my first girl under the real to reel projector LOL...
Short answer ; no.
Long answer;
I was born in 53; and on the farm,we didn't have flush-toilets,running water, or electricity. I walked 2.5 miles to school for a year, before Dad got me a bicycle.
The school didn't have electricity either, but there was a wood-stove in it. There were 8 grades in that one-room schoohouse, and I remember a rather "mature" Eighth-grade young girl, 7 years my senior. To this day... I even remember her name and hair color; but for the life of me, I can't see her face. But I digress.
We moved off the farm and into the BigCity in 1960 and here we had modern conveniences. The next 5 years we had a tiny B&W at home but there was no such thing in school.
In 66 we moved again, to a nicer place, and I got my first girlfriend. I was 13. I think Dad got us a small color-TV about this time, and I abandoned listening to Aunt-Olly on the radio, in favor of Popeye and the Bugs Bunny/Roadrunner hour.
Still no TVs in school.
I got a car in 69, and a better one in 70, and a new girlfriend that year. The previous one was of the opinion that after 7 years, and still virgins, I was moving too slow.
I think there was a projector system of some kind in certain classrooms by now, but I think those were for the "other" students; the slow-learners and those taking "shops"; I can't recall ever watching stuff on it.
I was a hands on learner, and a quick-study according to my new girlfriend, but was actually enrolled in University Entrance courses, cuz my Mum was expecting me to go that way.
In 73, I divorced my girlfriend on account of there had been other hands on her, and I was not gonna get stuck being a Daddy to some other guy's kid. Broke my heart, but still no TVs in school.
It musta broke Mum's heart when I became a bum. I never saw a TV again until 1976 when I shacked up with a hottie, soon to be my wife, who had a fully furnished apartment .......... and a job,lol. I was 23, and soon to lose my virginity.
The following year, I had a pretty good job, and we wed, that was 1977, coming 43 years ago.
I sorta recall seeing a reel to reel somewhere, but do not recall ever watching stuff on it ............. but at coming 67, I suppose I mighta forgot.....
But the one thing I never forgot, was a red-haired and stacked,13 year old young girl, named Anna B.

BTW, the movie was too lame to watch,lol, but I did try for a couple of minutes,lol.
Remember seeing this in the fourth grade on the reel to reel in grade school...

Saw that on HBO (I believe) after Star Wars movie came out.

In grade school, 7th & 8th we had the movie squad. Those of us on it had the job to setup the films to play in the classrooms.
I remember stuff like this depending on grade level..........

Never saw that crap, it was obviously after star wars came out, so late 70's at the earliest. By that time I was married, had a kid, a good job, a farm, etc, etc. In other words, I'm TOO OLD!

And no, I couldn't watch it either. I lasted about 1:35 before I turned it off.
Never saw that crap, it was obviously after star wars came out, so late 70's at the earliest. By that time I was married, had a kid, a good job, a farm, etc, etc. In other words, I'm TOO OLD!

And no, I couldn't watch it either. I lasted about 1:35 before I turned it off.
I didn't mean it to be a gripping saga for everybody to grab onto and hardly wait to see LOL.. it was just something that was silly and funny in grade school in the early 70s... That's all I thought someone my age and their mid-50s I would think it was a blast from the past... it was stupid back then in grade school but sure a heck of a lot better than having to deal with school work... That's all..
I didn't mean it to be a gripping saga for everybody to grab onto and hardly wait to see LOL.. it was just something that was silly and funny in grade school in the early 70s... That's all I thought someone my age and their mid-50s I would think it was a blast from the past... it was stupid back then in grade school but sure a heck of a lot better than having to deal with school work... That's all..

That's alright, its just me anymore. Gettin' old ain't any fun. I just don't have much patience anymore for silly **** I might have found funny 20 or more years ago. AJ mentioned he couldn't watch it either (he was just nicer about it), and I'm about the same age as him. So it must be an "age" thing?

Carry on J par! :thumbsup:
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss 3 bucks goodbye. Hardware wars, coming to a theater near you.
I remember showtime or HBO playing that trailer between films.