Anyone seen this before?



Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
Hebron, Indiana
I've been in the process of removing my interior for floor board replacement when I always was curious to find out what was underneath this bondo mess under my B pillar, when I was lucky to see this hideous mess.


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Here is another view.. Luckily I anticipated this and cut a larg section from a donor scrap car


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I had to cut the gasket to save the windshield which was in pretty good shape however in the past someone taped the gaskets and painted the car from black to gold.. When I removed the windshield gasket under the snapped in lower inside trim I found a 1964 dime. Looked to be painted black. Nice little treasure to have..maybe one of the builders was digging thru his pockets to get something to drink or seeing if he had enough lunch money or maybe someone needed to borrow money.. I cleaned it off some but appears to have black paint on it.. Pretty cool.. I put it away in an envelope with my broadcast sheet.. Just thought I would share that story with my Mopar family.
Ill bet a dime that the lad put that in there to mark the date it was being worked on! I do that all the time in the construction industry, and have even gone back to find my own message years after I put it there!! Fun fun fun!! That rusty area must've let in some moisture under the lead over the years!! Geof
Is that a common spot to rust on the car..what's amazing is below it, down in the quarter in front of the rear wheel isn't bad at all.. If there are drain holes I have to find them thru the years of crap that fell in there, not to mention the over excessive bondo left behind from someone trying to build a wall behind the rust..that's pretty cheesy...ill bet it's one of the vehicle owner do yourselfers.
That pillar looks suspect all the way up. Make sure you put the grinder to use and repair ALL the damage. You might even want to remove the rear window. If you leave the window in while you do the repair, make sure it's protected while you weld.
Thanks. I worked the back glass loose from the gasket soon after I took this photo. Turns out I forgot how heavy it is. I'm going to have to get help lifting it out and get it into my barn away from me grinding an welding. I have the car up in air on stands and it's awkward to lift. But I saved the glass and gasket. It had sealer between the glass and gasket it kicked back a little but I got it..I cut a whole section out of donor car into the roof a bit cause I had a feeling it was going to be bad going up.. The other side of car has a little rust popping out on it but nothing near as bad as drivers side which is hideous..thanks for the input.
That dime is 90% silver. My guess is that it is just really oxidized! Don't polish it - leave it as is! You will kill the value of it (if you really were gonna plan to sell it)