
The PSA rifles are fine. The Colts are better but not twice as good. You probably will not be able to tell a difference. Main thing is to look for Mil spec.
Everything will be built to par with qaulity materials and will interchange.
I own both and would not spend the extra cash towards a colt. That being said. I would pic the Colt over PSA if it was dollar per dollar.
It is your Money and your choice.
Guys, He already bought the rifle.

The debate is over.

Im sure it will be a fine gun.

Are going open sights or optics?

So many optic combos for the AR its even worse than discussing brands.

Edit- haha. I just noticed there are 127 messages... my bad.
Build your own how you want it. It’s not that hard and can save some bucks or get some trick parts like trigger cassettes, breaks, you name it.
Build your own how you want it. It’s not that hard and can save some bucks or get some trick parts like trigger cassettes, breaks, you name it.

That's how I got into building my own. I bought a couple rifles and would replace most everything on the upper and lower i.e. grips, stock, handguards, trigger, optics, ...
It's much cheaper (especially if doing an 80%) and you won't have a bunch of leftover parts to sell or money spent on replacing those parts. Best thing is that you get exactly what you want right off the bat.
The minimum tools you need is a set of punches.
Build your own how you want it. It’s not that hard and can save some bucks or get some trick parts like trigger cassettes, breaks, you name it.
Plus, if you build one yourself you can shoot the 7.62 instead of the girly 5.56 rounds

I love guns and have many of them but there are some super gun freaks out there. Guns are like winter coats, the more you own the warmer you think you'll be.
So I had to finish a rifle match today, Winter league. This division is for bone stock sporters. I am rocking a Tikka in 223. Woo Hoo! Big fun. The red circle symbol is some instructors humor from a late night over a camp fire. It represents the tea cup pistol grip of years gone by. We still see it being taught and utilized, I am not a fan. The humor is typically lost, as folks think it means don’t drink coffee or your hands shake. It does however make instructors howl!



I like discussing guns here so much better than
Gear heads are gear heads, if it has nuts, bolts, or screws the folks on this Forum are likely gonna take it apart and make it better or build our own. Don’t care if it is a gun, a grill or a car! Good folks on here, many have been in my shop, and in turn I have been in many of theirs. Always a hoot.
DPMS panther super 24. 1.6 barrel twist fiocci rounds burris ar-223 optics I've owned 3 colt .223's sold everyone of them, constantly jamming in the cold during coyote season. This dpms has been fully submerged multie times, in the mud, snow,water i have never jammed this one no matter how fast you wanna pull the trigger. Even when i had the bump stock on it. Great unit

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Tell us about the scope.
I own and operate a firearms training center and have been a firearms instructor for a very long time. I also work on a public range as a Safety Officer. Translated I get to see a very wide spectrum of ARs being tested in our classes and at the range, from home built to the latest Wilson Combat luxury version. As a result I can certainly tell you if some one shows up rocking a Colt I do know for a fact that I will not have any function issues with that shooter. Many others we spend some time clearing malfunctions. By no means am I saying Colts are infallible just that they are reliable provided they get a little oil once in awhile.As a sponsored shooter I compete with ARs and am in fact the reigning Champion for multiple years. I spend a lot of time competing against all manner of ARs, I do not shoot a colt (now) I rock a Daniel Defense. Plus side the Colt will hold its value remarkably well. I would not hesitate to shoulder a Colt anytime anywhere.
What are your thoughts on the Delta 5 Pro? Worth the money?
Oh, I was thinking 7.62 X 51 (308) not 7.62 X 39, which I already have an SKS, but an AR one would be sweet…
yeah, i wasnt very clear on that

SKSs are great guns too

a buddy of mine had one for sale a while ago and i choose to get his AK instead
looking back, i should have gotten em both...and his AR
I'm surprised we haven't seen more pics of people's rifles. I too am kind of shy about posting pics of my rifles. There's a BATFE agent behind every blade of grasss.
So I had to finish a rifle match today, Winter league. This division is for bone stock sporters. I am rocking a Tikka in 223. Woo Hoo! Big fun. The red circle symbol is some instructors humor from a late night over a camp fire. It represents the tea cup pistol grip of years gone by. We still see it being taught and utilized, I am not a fan. The humor is typically lost, as folks think it means don’t drink coffee or your hands shake. It does however make instructors howl!

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Getting good groups with PMC out of that rifle?
First picture is for some beater builds. Lots of PSA parts in here so I’m sure I’ll be burned at the cross. The second picture should make up for it. Although the SCAR is gone.


What are your thoughts on the Delta 5 Pro? Worth the money?
They are very nice, I am not totally convinced they are worth the extra cash tho? I have one and really like it, but I also like the SIG Romeo and Venom Vortex equally as well? I am still experimenting, one thing is to be sure you can replace battery without removing sight. And for me I like the smaller dots on pistols. I have all three of the versions listed above and am in the middle of field trialing them.
Getting good groups with PMC out of that rifle?
Actually not really, and quite frankly I had several issues with duds, I wish I had kept a pix of the primer strike because it was heavy and several rounds did not go off. I have ran that ammo a lot over the years and this is first batch I have had this kind of trouble with. All in all a sucky outing. But that is the nature of that class bone stock rifle with weight limit that does not allow for heavy or bull barrels and you only get 25 minutes to complete the stage. Barrel heats up group spreads! By time I was done I was almost two inch spread and changing poa to chase the x ring. Looking thru scope the heat waves were readily apparent. Hah! Still better than staying home!
Actually not really, and quite frankly I had several issues with duds, I wish I had kept a pix of the primer strike because it was heavy and several rounds did not go off. I have ran that ammo a lot over the years and this is first batch I have had this kind of trouble with. All in all a sucky outing. But that is the nature of that class bone stock rifle with weight limit that does not allow for heavy or bull barrels and you only get 25 minutes to complete the stage. Barrel heats up group spreads! By time I was done I was almost two inch spread and changing poa to chase the x ring. Looking thru scope the heat waves were readily apparent. Hah! Still better than staying home!

Could you use a factory rifle that came with a bill barrel? I have a 700 SPS varmit that came with a bull barrel. That rifle will group almost as good as a bench rest rifle. If I had a decent optic and a super light trigger I could probably hang with them.
Never enough
2 x 556
1 x 7.62x39
1 x 300 blk out
Addiction is Real
P.S. I'm always looking for more
If anyone has 4 sale. Haha
