Arthritis is a ***** !

Being in Orthopedics you will wish you got it done years ago. surgery pain aint close to the pain you have been going through. As for P T for a hip replacement ...not near as much as a knee..walk lots and you will want ..and don't get in any bad/awkward positins especially for 3 months post op. good luck and all the best

thats what my doctor said about the knee vs the hip is that the hip is pretty much standard for everybody and the knee is different for doctor been doing them for 20 plus years and said that hip patients always heal and get back to normal life before knee patients
I have a neighbor, she is in her 70's, has bad hips, knees, seems like she had 1 hip already done. with the quarter horse deal, they can get orthoarthritis in shoulder, stifle and hock joints. I suggested she look into Lubrysin HA, it is the purist form of Hyaluronic acid (spelling??). it helps replace the jopint fluid. she has used it 10 days and already sees a difference. I know quite few "coboys" that use it/.
I have a neighbor, she is in her 70's, has bad hips, knees, seems like she had 1 hip already done. with the quarter horse deal, they can get orthoarthritis in shoulder, stifle and hock joints. I suggested she look into Lubrysin HA, it is the purist form of Hyaluronic acid (spelling??). it helps replace the jopint fluid. she has used it 10 days and already sees a difference. I know quite few "coboys" that use it/.

I don't understand the bad hips thing. I had a great aunt, at 109 years old, while washing the outside windows of her home, she fell off of her ladder and broke her hip. The 60+ year old doctor said, "Well you'll never walk again." She did not miss a heartbeat retorting, "He doesn't know anything, he's just a young whipper-snapper."
She got so she could walk again and lived to 112.
I have some lady family members have their hips replaced. I have never heard of men needing it though. I don't understand why they break, and replace both sides.
My hips did not break. They are totally deteriorated due to Arthritis. My Dr said BAD JEANS! I think it has to do with what I have done for a living.
It's just a bone, that is the structure/framework to support the rest of everything else right?

Do they become brittle, crack, or something?

The hip and knee socket has a cushion in them that wears out from arthritus.When this happens you have bone rubbing on bone which is extremely painful. Google it and educate yourself a little.