Arthritis Is A *****



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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I am being treated for my lower back pain and I start the pain management on September 21. I held out as long as I could but it's unbearable now. I have been taking 50 mg. of Tramadol every 6 hours but it has little affect.
But my left foot has been hurting too and I went to the doctor in July and had a set of orthotics made for my shoes and it didn't help any. An x ray showed that the Transverse Tarsal Joint between the Talus and Navicular bones is ground away in a straight line, supposed to be a radius shape. And the top of the bones is jagged from the arthritis instead of smooth, making the toe tendons drag across them. I'm just about to the point of needing a crutch to walk.
The only treatment for this is bone fusion and I'm worried if i'll be able to walk normal again.
Has anyone had a bone fusion in their foot? How did it turn out for you?
I feel for you man, but I have no answers. I had a bone spur on a foot one time and if that is anything remotely like what you are talking about, then Lord help ya!!!
If I'm awake, I hurt from head to toe. Every joint in my body essentially hurts. Every time the weather changes it gets worse or better. The other day it clouded up and cooled down. I thought GREAT!!! go for a bike (trike) ride. It turned out to be very short, my knees hurt so bad.

I can't take many pain meds because of former gut problems, and you would not BELIEVE the long term downside of some of this stuff.
If I'm awake, I hurt from head to toe. Every joint in my body essentially hurts. Every time the weather changes it gets worse or better. The other day it clouded up and cooled down. I thought GREAT!!! go for a bike (trike) ride. It turned out to be very short, my knees hurt so bad.

I can't take many pain meds because of former gut problems, and you would not BELIEVE the long term downside of some of this stuff.

Yea I know the long term problems, that's why I haven't taken any until now.
I'm still working but it's getting harder to hide pain.
If I'm awake, I hurt from head to toe. Every joint in my body essentially hurts.

Me too.

Every time the weather changes it gets worse or better.

I told my doctor that and he kinda chuckled and said the weather has no affect, I beg to differ!
Arthritis in my upper spine and shoulder blades make it almost impossible to function as a normal person any more. 60 mg + a day of oxycodone helps with the pain but makes me so sleepy I find little energy to get things done any more. I have tried physical therapy so many times I refuse to go any more. Good thing I'm retired and don't have to go to work. I now do my projects in 1 or 2 hour spurts and eventually get em done.
I feel for ya Bob. I have terrible pain in my low back most of the time too. The doctor gives me 3 Vicodin a day to take but I try to take no more than I absolutely have too cause I know the side effects. Mornings are the worst for me. Always have to take one to be able to get going. Most of the time I make it through the day without taking anymore vicodin. Just tough it out and take some breaks. I haven't had fusion in the foot but I have had C6 and C7 fused in my neck and a cage installed. Had horrible pain down my left arm before and that took care of most of it. I'm limited on looking up and down and to the sides but I was before anyway cause of the pain. IMO it was well worth it. Both my big toe joints and frozen solid from arthritis which I guess in a way is kinda like having them fused. They flare up hurting once or twice a week for a day then settle down but other than that they don't affect walking to a great deal. I have special shoes also since I'm diabetic and my feet swell. The shoes help with the toe problem also
I sympathize with all of you.
I'm about the same as you Tracy on the neck pain. I have a bulging disk at C5 and have limited left to right mobility. No fusion on the neck yet. My lower back is inoperable and the pain management is my last option.
It's just this foot problem started recently and I having a hard time dealing with my back and my foot at the same time.
Been dealing with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis for years. Past few years every damn joint hurts. Hands are so stiff can't even make a fist anymore. Wife finally convinced me to see a Rheumatologist. Blood work, some x-rays and an exam later....Doc is sending me for a high density bone scan. Said he wants to get the blood/scan results before saying much. Did say that my hand trouble is sort of pointing to pseudogout. He looked at some of my previous blood work and asked if I had ever seen a endocranagist (spelling?). He made mention that this could be thyroid related....
The aging process....not for lightweights
My fingers are hurting too. There getting to be so swollen are crooked people ask me it there broken.
must be the way we all make a living, that beats our bodies up so bad, back ,foot, shoulders were killing me the other night ,wife said to take it easy and relax on the couch after work, nope, two ibuprophen and back to the garage to finish up putting bike together, maybe its the projects beating me up lol, But i'll never stop the projects