
I'm pretty sure he's talking about his car, the 66 dart. Now if he's living in his car…that changes everything. Eric L
If you get measle-thelioma, then you can sue... I see the lawyer commercials on tv all the time.....

It's caused by exposure to asbestoast.....
I believe it was only use in clutch discs and brake frictions (pads & shoes). The rest is all fiberglass fibers or cotton batting.
If anyone knows, what are those pads between the tank and trunk pan made of?
Hood-liners - (from the late 1930s onward) have been manufactured with automotive hood liners constructed from asbestos fibers. I have heard this many times but have never found actual proof its true.

Brakes - asbestos brake linings

Clutches - Some clutch parts in use today, both in new and older car models, contain asbestos.

Gasket Material, Heat Seals, Valve Rings and Packing - For decades, asbestos-containing gaskets, heat seal material, valve rings, and packing were used in virtually every system that involved the transport of fluids or gases.

Lots of aftermarket parts especially from other countries still contain asbestos.
Good reason when cleaning old drum brakes to use water not air to get the dust off. I used to use air all the time...