Attn Michigan Car Guys..Junkyard Crushing Out, Last Chance To Shop!!



MoBro Inc.
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Pinckney, Michigan
Howdy all, cosgig here! This is a heads up to anybody from Michigan or nearby states about my number one honey hole that has closed its doors and is crushing out! They are opening the doors next Wednesday and Thursday for one last hurrah to sell off what they can and crush the rest before winter!! Here's the details...

For anybody that's been in Michigan for any length of time, the name Hilliards has been an old car staple for the last 60 years! It has recently been sold due to the failing health of Irv, the elderly owner! There are over 3500 cars back there, tons of old 30's-50's cars and trucks, about 60 mid 60's-70's Mopars, and mountains of parts everywhere!

The word is, bring cash and tools from 9-5 next Wednesday and Thursday, and prepare to spend the day, there's a lot to see!! Their number is 989-268-5262, and the yard is located on Crystal Rd. in Vestaburg, Michigan, just south of Mt. Pleasant!

Public service announcement over, back to our regularly scheduled program!! Geof
I hate to see it happen. That will be around a $1,000,000.00 of crushed cars so hopefully his health is still good enough to enjoy some of it.
Do you know what types of Mopars are there?
There's about a dozen Dusters, a couple early Cuda's, a few Chargers, some early Dart, some 70-74 Darts and Scamps, a bunch of C body's, probably sporting SG rear centers, a couple of mid 60's Coronets, a couple of late 60's Valiants, there's a 65 Sport Fury convertible that is up under the lean to by the house, a couple of early Valiants, and that's about all I can remember! Not an E body in the bunch though! A few wagons too if I remember!

Worth the trip if your in the area! Geof
Any more word on this? I tried calling and just got an answering return call...
Scrapping everything? Man he should have a customer appreciation sale and sell the stuff by the lb, just what he would get for crushing it. Talk about "giving back" to the car community! What does the crusher do with all the plastic stuff? Steering wheels, door panels, windows, etc.
Scrapping everything? Man he should have a customer appreciation sale and sell the stuff by the lb, just what he would get for crushing it. Talk about "giving back" to the car community! What does the crusher do with all the plastic stuff? Steering wheels, door panels, windows, etc.

Who knows the truth behind the crushing. I'd say after 60 years of running a parts business, it is what it is, a parts business. He doesn't owe anyone anything, but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it would be a nice gesture.
Irv, the elderly owner, has already sold out to the company who is doing the crushing! He got his money and got to keep whatever is up under the lean to, which is the Sport Fury, a 30's Chevrolet Custom Deluxe, a Corvair and an S10 pickup!

As for the contact, the new owner is Fair Salvage out of Clare, Mi! They tried to continue running it as a parts business but apparently it was not taking off! when Irv owned it, he also lives there so it was easy just to sit at the table when somebody came by, although his sons had to come and work to help customers!

The number for Fair Salvage is 989-368-7552! They called me from the other number listed above, which is the on site number! If you get an answer on that number, that means they are on site!! Good luck all, maybe we can set up an FABO meet and greet at "Plymouth Hill"!! Geof
Thanks Geof...BTW, the number at Fair Salvage is 989-386-7552...just didn't want people getting the wrong number if they tried to call.
Ok gang, I've got tomorrow off so I'm heading up to glory land for a parts bonanza/recon mission!! Ill of course bring back pics and a list of items available! Called them today and they told me that any day they are there crushing, I can go in and buy parts! Just gotta get them to call when they're there! No whole cars as of yet, but I'm also going to work on how that can be done!! Ill report back tomorrow night! Geof