Avatar movie



Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2009
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Just got home from the movie.:happy1: Avatar. If your a fantasy/scifi lover you got to see this one.Not to mention it's in 3D. Best movie I have seen in a long time.Highly recommend it!:thumrigh::thumrigh:
do they still give out those funky glasses for 3-d movies??
Instead of those cheap green/red cardboard glasses these were plastic rim grey tint.They worked really well.There was a $3 extra charge and they asked you to put them in a recycle bin after the movie.Like hell I took mine home.Chances are good when you rent a 3D movie in the future you may need them.
My wife and I went to see it yesterday.
Good movie. The special affects were great and the colors made it look real.
It's a must see on the big screen.
We didn't see the 3D version only selected theaters are showing the 3D
from what I understand.
You were lucky. I bet it was even better in 3D.
My wife and I went to see it yesterday.
Good movie. The special affects were great and the colors made it look real.
It's a must see on the big screen.
We didn't see the 3D version only selected theaters are showing the 3D
from what I understand.
You were lucky. I bet it was even better in 3D.

Geez,that's too bad you didn't see it in 3D. People all through the theatre were moving their heads trying to dodge the pics on the screen. Huge difference in 3D.The effects and the scenery were incredible,I agree.8)
Visuals were great but the story is Dances With Wolves. Geared more for the younger crowd. 3D would've been better.
I didn't think it was that flash. The storyline was very predicatable. I found the effects to be hard on the eyes, and a bit gimmicky.
Plus it was too long.
I thought the story was very basic also. Definitely a "Dances with Wolves " story. But the 3D was awesome and the rest of the visuals were too.To each his own,I like that kind of stuff.Bigger,flashier.louder,that's for me.8)
I'd have been happy with a 15 min. trailer.

Bought Sector 9 on dvd, much better.
We went and saw it the other night in 3D cool movie, dances with wolves meets braveheart in space.
I just got back from taking my wife & kids to it. My wife wanted to see it in IMAX 3D, but bought tickets for the HD-3D showing by mistake. She tried to have them change them to the IMAX showing but it was sold out until Monday!!

We went ahead and saw in 3D, the theater was crowded and we got there 10 minutes before showtime so the only seats available were in the first and second row! I still enjoyed it, but SWMBO (she who must be obeyed!) is still complaining.

me,the wife,and the 4 kids.I liked it,the kids liked it,the wife wasnt impressed,lol.we saw it in 3 d also.

Strange ,as soon as it was over my wife said it was the best movie she ever saw.She doesn't watch too many movies.I thought it was good but far from the best.8)
We went and saw it the other night in 3D cool movie, dances with wolves meets braveheart in space.

Lol,that's one way of looking at it. I thought it was entertaining for sure,3D has come a long way and is comin on strong this year.Keep your glasses.8)
I just got back from taking my wife & kids to it. My wife wanted to see it in IMAX 3D, but bought tickets for the HD-3D showing by mistake. She tried to have them change them to the IMAX showing but it was sold out until Monday!!

We went ahead and saw in 3D, the theater was crowded and we got there 10 minutes before showtime so the only seats available were in the first and second row! I still enjoyed it, but SWMBO (she who must be obeyed!) is still complaining.


When we went it was sold out so we bought tickets for the next show and got there early.Weren't many seats left then either.Got our popcorn and our 1/2 gallon drinks and we were set.Too much pop!8)
wesome! going to see it tomorrow. I highly recommend a mini series called The Company-for the more discerning viewer. Amazing amazing series!
wesome! going to see it tomorrow. I highly recommend a mini series called The Company-for the more discerning viewer. Amazing amazing series!

Enjoy brewil. If ya like scifi/fantasy you should like this one!8)
Saw the 3d version with my wife this week and loved it. Have'nt dodged & moved from that much imaginary stuff since the days you could get a good bag of weed for what we payed for the movie. Story line was old but we both loved Avatar. A must see.
