Bacon or BBQ sauce?

You wouldn't laugh if you had the dog I used to have and she farted. She was a Boxer. Sweetest dog you'd ever know but man she could clear a large room full of drunks in nothing flat.:-&

Are you sure it was the dog? :laughing: j/k
Okay, you`re at a bar, a beer mug is being passed around and everyone spits the biggest, grossest, wads they can hack up in it. (This is sick just thinking of it.) How much money would it take for you to drink the whole glass? --:drinkers:..................................... :puke:

As long as no one has ganasifaherpieaids 5 grand and I will chug it.
Man that is one of the hardest questions in a long time. I think bacon no wait bbq sauce....... damn that is hard, most likely the bacon but wow I don't know. O by the way I have an armrest with your name on it.
Man that is one of the hardest questions in a long time. I think bacon no wait bbq sauce....... damn that is hard, most likely the bacon but wow I don't know. O by the way I have an armrest with your name on it.

I know it sucks, I still can't decide.

Nikki is flying to LA tonight so I will have the house/garage all to my self this weekend if ya wanna swing by. I may be going to Monroe on Sat. if that economic check goes through like it should by Friday.
You wouldn't laugh if you had the dog I used to have and she farted. She was a Boxer. Sweetest dog you'd ever know but man she could clear a large room full of drunks in nothing flat.:-&

lol! My dog Maxi has great breath. Better than 99% most people's breath, but when she farts it smells like rotten Brussel Sprouts, :puke:
"he called the sh*t poop!!!"

not having either bbq or bacon would be no problem for me.

boy oh boy 360scamp, you guys think of sick things...............
Yep you are correct about the DISCLAIMER! I will have to try to remember that! Also I like the part about rolling her over too! that is a good one! I always find a way to stick my foot in my mouth! Come to think of it maybe that resulted in a shitty taste in my mouth! LOL

Yup, my old grandpappytold me a long time ago, if you feel like you're in $h1t, give her a half turn. :)
Nikki started it! Yea,

Good move =D> Sure Sure Sure :rock:

Wait :-k She could have.#-o
She did!!! She isn't as nice and sweet as people think she is.

One minute she is all nice and sweet...



and then she turns into a creepy weirdo that puts rocks inside of snowballs!


Like this pic... she is obviously up to no good!

I think im pretty much convinced that I could live without BBQ sauce. If I couldn't eat or smell bacon ever again bad things would happen to good poeple.
Okay, you`re at a bar, a beer mug is being passed around and everyone spits the biggest, grossest, wads they can hack up in it. (This is sick just thinking of it.) How much money would it take for you to drink the whole glass? --:drinkers:..................................... :puke:

me and a bunch of co-workers were in a bar a few weeks ago, someone left a 1/2 full mug of beer on the table, and we all started throwing crap into it - french fries, mushrooms off a philly sandwich, 1000 island dressing from a reuben sandwich, au jus from a french dip sandwich, then some ketchup, mustard, and whatever else was sitting there, including a few cig butts.

Pretty soon, someone offered Kevin a buck to drink it. Naturally he said no not for a buck. So we took up a collection and, for $20 Kevin drank it.

He said the worst part was the mustard
You have a good looking fun loving sweet little devil there 360.:rock:

rocks in a snow ball. :sign5:

I bet you have some great parties and know how to have a good time 360.
Condrads on a great find,:thumbrig:

Hi Nikki :wave:
me and a bunch of co-workers were in a bar a few weeks ago, someone left a 1/2 full mug of beer on the table, and we all started throwing crap into it - french fries, mushrooms off a philly sandwich, 1000 island dressing from a reuben sandwich, au jus from a french dip sandwich, then some ketchup, mustard, and whatever else was sitting there, including a few cig butts.

Pretty soon, someone offered Kevin a buck to drink it. Naturally he said no not for a buck. So we took up a collection and, for $20 Kevin drank it.

He said the worst part was the mustard

:vom: Good story, but that is dis-gusting and sickening, love it. :snakeman:Mmmmmm....I bet those cigarette butts were hell to digest!
im going to say i could live without bacon.. but my opinion doesn't really count in this thread seeing as how my body doesn't digest meat, and if i eat it i get sent to the hospital, hah.
Just a PURE GUESS! I was just thinking a minimum! Certainly no experience on my part licking a toilet seat! Although I have had a shitty taste in my mouth before!

If that's the case then the first thing your supposed to do is have her turn over before continuing!! One of the first things that dad told me during that talk years ago.

Nice to see I'm not the only one that's ever had an overbite. No contest on this one. The bacon stays.