ballest resister hot


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Jan 4, 2011
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Hooked up my engine harness also elc ign at same time.When ign key is left on ballest gets very hot even started to smoke once.I read on here that if it is hooked up to firewall that acks as a heat sink.Im kind of concerned about it getting that hot.Is that normal to get that hot the ballest is not hooked up to firewall right now I though it would burn the paint.
!!! So don't leave the key on !!! Some ignition systems draw current with the key on/ engine off, and in this condition, the system IS DRAWING THE MOST CURRENT IT EVER WILL, so of course the resistor is going to get hot.

There also may be some possibility that you have a mis-matched coil resistor combination, you might want to check that out

If you need the key in run for long periods--to troubleshoot, etc, pull one of the connections off.
Normal. When you turned on the key the points were closed thus running constant current thru the resistor. On other occasions the distributor might stop with the points in the open position and the resistor will have no current running thru it so it will be cool.
While driving the current is "pulsing" as the points open and close so it's not constant and doesn't get that hot. When trouble shooting with the ignition on just unplug the wire from the dist. side of the resistor.
I dont normally leave the key on was just checking things out and found it strange it got that hot.Thank for your help.
Working as designed. Burned the absolute piss out of my hand once finding out the hard way that those things get hot. I was worried about it being that hot and sitting up against my firewall so I got a longer fastener and put a spacer in between it and the firewall with a short piece of 3/8" fuel line I had laying around. Figured it might dissipate heat better if it could get air movement around front and back.