Battery Type/ Size...Or is it my Wife's Fault?



Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2009
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Weyll, The B.S. has really gotten my goat today - so much that I'm in an intense debate about Gawd & Satan messing w/ my electrical system....

It's a beeeeeautiful Spring day here in the ATL & so whadda I do: I says to my Baby - "Come on, let's pack a picnic & go cruisin' in the Cuda Converitble. After all, it's been runnin' great & I'm conifdent that it's safe to take my wife out for a spin. WRONG!!!

Here's what happens:
1) No fuel gauge....I run outta gas - No problem, I've got a gallon in the trunk. I fill it up (outside one of the fanciest restaurants in the City, A bakery chef axx's if he can take a photo of the car, I'm slightly flattered, but my gut sinks because I'm having to look like a Dork...anyway, he's a good guy & he gets a photo).

Sidenote: If you want a great $150+ dinner in Atlanta - go to "Bacchanalia" It kicks axx. It just sucks to be trying to pop the clutch to start the car in front of the joint! But if you're like me & want a great $3-$5 dinner....go to the "Varsity"...if your 'Mope' can make it.

Anyway, my 20+ mpg theory is blown...that's OK, but then....

2) In my infinite wisdom, I flood the carb as I'm priming it. No problem....

3) ...except that (HERE's the big PROBLEM) my BRAND NEW Battery cranks like a worn out post-Cougar, lush Interior designer Beea-tch who has smoked way too many menthol cigs. W-T-F-!!!!

3a) I start doubting my Charging System Uprgades, which are basically the 65amp Alternator w/ post-1970 Volt Reg. FOOTNOTE: I researched the faak outta this & am confident I did it right. Also it's been charging great for several months. I doubt my upgrades some, but am pretty confident they are sound. So...

The only real variable to me is the BRAND NEW BATTERY. I did not buy the properly spec'd battery. Instead, I got a high cranking amp (+-850 amps) but SMALL battery. ALL CAPs aside, here are my main questions:
a) Does size matter when it comes to batteries?
b) Is it wrong to deviate from the size spec'd?

thanks for going through that ridicoolus 'diatribe' (prob'bly worse than a Rush Limbaugh & Nancy Pelosi pissin; contest!). Anyway, I may not have faith in Amurkan politics, but I got faith in you guys's smarts. Whaddya think?

Gawd Bless ya'll.
batteries have came a long way in 40 years. a samller case can be much better than what came in your car. then we buy many more bad batteries right off the shelf these days too.
How long has the battery been in the car? Been on any trips long enough to give it a good charge?
I always let a new battery sit overnight on a trickle charger no matter what, then make the first drive ten miles or so on the highway.
Gotta start em out right with a full charge no matter what they said when you bought it.
"Oh yeah, it's ready to go right now!" Sure it is...

green1 is right - the voltmeter should tell you what you need to know.

No matter what, it ain't the wife's fault. Even if it is, it ain't...
How long has the battery been in the car?...

No matter what, it ain't the wife's fault. Even if it is, it ain't...

Battery has been in for 3 days & disconnected for 2.

And you're right: It Ain't......