Battle Bots



John/68 Barracuda & Dart
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
Newport News, Virginia
Does anybody know what happened to Battle Bots, the battling robot competition show that used to run on the Comedy Central network? I loved that show and it seemed to have just disappeared.
Its not exactly what you are asking, but Grant Imuhara (sp?) on Mythbusters, was a Battle Bots champion.
Which one is Grant? Is he the bald guy with the hat and glasses? Anyway they`re both talented guys. It seemed like Battle Bots was really taking off and then it went away??????
I forgot all about the Battle Bots, Allot of heavy engineering and saw's to big hammers on wheels and car tracks. and flipping arms, and some where very heavy.8)
I don't know about the TV show's demise, but this past summer, I attended an inventor's festival in Austin, Texas, called "Maker Faire". They set up an indoor arena and hosted a RoboGames tournament. Very cool - spinning blades, flame throwers, battle axes, flipper paddles, etc.


The was a similar Faire in San Mateo, CA. Go to for info.

I miss that show too. It was a good one. The house bots were the best. They should of let them fight each other. That would of been cool.
I've been without cable/satellite for a while, but that was a great show. I wanted to merge concepts from it and Junkyard Wars to hasten the morning commute. Slow drivers would've been mercilessly dispatched by a huge pneumatic axe or something swinging from the hood of my Jeep.
the lightweight one, low to the ground and one spinning arm was a nightmare to alot of contenders...simple design...but everyone always remembers the heavyweights!
Does anybody know what happened to Battle Bots, the battling robot competition show that used to run on the Comedy Central network? I loved that show and it seemed to have just disappeared.

Reality shows came along and killed BattleBots on TV, though the competitons are still alive and well in SanFran

Apparently ESPN is planning on showing one of the competitions in the Spring of this year