BBC commercial

Kind of off topic but everyone should check out the bbc walk on the wild side series on youtube. Their hilarious lol
Cool but they definatly should have left the lyrics alone and had just play the original with original artist doing it, they kind of f***ed it up (the original artist escapes me at the moment.
Beautifull footage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am reminded of another BBC video simply entitled EARTH. I watched that one a few days ago. It has more message in it;We are really not taking care of this beautifull planet at all,simply stripping it.

That makes me sad.

Ghandi sadi it best;The earth contains enough resources for everyones needs,but not enough for everyones wants.
Beautifull footage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am reminded of another BBC video simply entitled EARTH. I watched that one a few days ago. It has more message in it;We are really not taking care of this beautifull planet at all,simply stripping it.
Ghandi sadi it best;The earth contains enough resources for everyones needs,but not enough for everyones wants.
Yep and the fact people keep popping out all these F***ING kids doesn't help at all. Do us/the earth a major favor and limit yourself to just two or less kids. Anymore and your making the place worst. Having two replaces you and the **** (keeps the population the same). One or none helps the most because you are reducing the world population. Just think about.
2 kids is what we did! I feel pretty lucky in that,having one girl age 12 and one boy 7 and both smart as whips too! Not much else has gone well for me in this life,but my kids and wife are my solitary blessing.

Perhaps in the next life things will be better,but for now Im going to work on my kids lives being the best they can be.

Things are so screwed up these days,I am seriously asking myself what I can do to fix this horrible place we call earth.Inspite of all the beauty,there may not be much left for our kids the way things are going.I am very seriously considering converting my Dart to electric motor/hybrid. I'm not sure I feel good about putting a big block in it unless I can get my hydrogen generator system in place. That would appease my concience and make more power too!
Well, the narration was by the famous British naturalist Sir David Attenborough.

If we want to truely heal the planet then we must stop all mining of minerals and ores. Stop all petroleum drilling and the production of petroleum products. Never burn coal or fossil fuels. Don't drive cars - even electrical cars use fossil fuels in their fabrication and daily use. Do not fish. Become more ape-like, you know, hang from trees and sling **** at each other.

Finally, we must register all of the people who are convinced that the world is over populated and have them commit suicide or just kill them. The contraception and abortion industries have been operating freely since 1973 and they haven't been able to reduce the population. Don't have two kids....just kill yourself.

Save the rain forest.