Be Aware!

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Was anything ever said prior to or upfront like "deposit nonrefundable" ? I am not taking sides but under most circumstances a deposit will hold the car till you get there to pick it up. You are claiming the car and the seller should feel like the car is as good as gone at that point. NOW, again, not taking sides and not nit-picking every little detail but one thing had me wondering, and that was what the seller stated and I will quote "He says he could be here by around 10pm but again, trying to be decent, I tell him that it would probably be better if he saw it in the daylight" Why would the seller give him that option? Weather it's dark, light, rainy, snowy, etc...Seems to me this was giving the buyer an option out if he did not like the car. Again, not taking sides, I will stay neutral. Just wondering if there was anything set up from the get-go in regards to a deposit being refundable. Not my business, just an observation.
Good point, Suregrip. He knew the thing was a POS, so why didn't he save himself the the frustration/time and just unload it on one of those other interested buyers instead of collecting a deposit up front? Maybe to try and guarantee getting what he wanted for it? What he knew nobody would really be willing to pay?

I'd say it boils down to a shady deal caught a sucker. And they both lost out - go figure.
Ace, I thought there were previous posts about not making personal attacks on people? Yeah, you did it in a round about way. Still, It's not right. I don't think that GTX would try to sell a car under false pretenses as your implying. It sure sucks that this post is up here. I think it should be removed before it gets ugly.
No false pretenses. Pure speculation, based on obvious circumstances. People get screwed on car deals all the time. It's considered street cred in the used car business. Don't be so naive.
No false pretenses? You stated that GTX "new it was a POS" I don't think that's the case and If you do then you should keep it to yourself since it's pure speculation.......and it also hits on GTX's credability as a seller.
It's pretty obvious credibility is in question on both sides here. And I'll decide what I may or may not choose in keeping to my myself, thank you very much! You can't hide what transpired - the participants already publicized that. Maybe if more people understood the priciples involved, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

Still waiting for GTX to answer the questions I posed...
"He says he could be here by around 10pm but again, trying to be decent, I tell him that it would probably be better if he saw it in the daylight" Why would the seller give him that option?

Maybe to insure all the trim or items that were included are present. Ever try to sort through stuff like that in the dark? BTDT and not fun.

I don't look at as giving the buyer an option at all and prefer to do deal in the daylight, during generally accepted business hours. As anyone knows, some areas aren't real safe. Have two vehicles towing trailers, one with out of state plates, pull into a parking lot to transfer a car late at night, you're asking for trouble from the local hoods or the PD.

The car could have been sold to two individuals I knew for at or very near full price, but, were told a deal was struck and a deposit had either been received or was forthcoming. They found other cars since then.
Well I just read the hole thing, and I am sure this will be nothing new, but what is a forum without putting in your 2 cents ?

I have talked to GTX on my forum and he has helped me on my 1970 440 duster with some questions that I have had. But I won't side with him because we have a relationship, and Hemicop and I don't.

I have sold and Bought MANY cars. Here is the deal If you are looking at a car, over the internet, or in the newspaper it is very risky to Buy it Sight Unseen. Esentially thats what a deposit is.

I don't know how far you had to drive Hemicop, But when I bought my Duster, that I am working on now, I emailed the guy back and forth about 20 times, and I then Drove down across the USA border, and then continued to drive another 3 1/2 hours JUST TO LOOK AT IT. I didn't give him a depsite YET, because I am not comfortable buying a car sight unseen. I then Walked around the car a dozen times, Went in it, then under it, and all around it. Then I would stand back, and talk on my phone to my better half, and a Freind of mine about it. Does this sound familiar????? this is exactly what you did, the only difference is that I havn't agreed to buy the car and I have NOT given a deposit yet! YOU DID!!!!!

after I talked to my freinds, I then made an offer, we agreed on a price, then we talked about a depsoit and the holding terms ( ie 3 days to pay remainding amount, and Non refundable if time expires, Got his/my Drivers licence #, address /phone# and full name, and full purchase price, and amount owing. We also wrote all this up on an agreement/deposite receipt. then I left and started my long ( expensive ) drive back.

This is the only thing that I would sugest to GTX. Whenever a deposit is talked about I ALWAYS STRESS The deposite is non refundable and only holds the car till the date agreed. and all that is on the deposit receipt.
I know that is what a deposit is, but its amazing how many people don't know that IE hemicop, and some other guy on page one that wrote ( Give him the money back or beat his a$$) this way there is no missunderstandings.

Back to my story, as i was driving home from looking at the duster, guess what happend? My truck broke down. So here I am at the side Of I5 beside the tualup casino in november shivering with my dog, waiting for a canadian tow truck to drive a good 2 hours down in the states just to pick me up. and by the way it was 10:00pm when I called the tow truck. So I phoned the guy who I Just Bought the car from and explained my ordeal, and that I have no idea what is wrong with my truck, and depending on what is wrong, and how much it costs, I may have to back out of the deal. ( NOTICE I SAID BOUGHT!, Not left a deposit. because that is what a deposit is!) I told him to keep the car advertised because I won't know what is wrong with my truck for a day or two. and if the car sells it wasn't ment to be. But if it does sell, I would understand if he kept the deposit, But I would really apreiciate it if I did get it back. I didn't get a confirmed answer to that from him which is fine.

After a $350 tow bill, I got home, the next day my mechanic found that it was a cracked wire on my colum on My cummins ( got to love Dodge wiring) I phoned the guy back that day, and said I can still buy it, and that the deal is still on. and I got the car 2 days later.

i think the moral to this story and this post is...

A. If you are excepting a deposit for ANYTHING, Make sure the stipulations of the depsit is agreed apon, and there is an expiration date. and that it is in writing.
B. If you are giving a deposit understand that it is NOT REFUNDABLE, unless otherwise stated, and that you have a writen copy of the terms of the deposit and understand it fully. also understand that the deposit is to the rules of the seller, but can NOT change once they are agreed and writen down

I have sold lots of cars, and I allways make a receipt with the agreements even if the buyer says, no don't worry I trust you.

Hemicop, you don't deserve a refund.
GTX, if you didn't have the terms of the deposit in should from now on.

I hope some other people will learn something from all this.

A wise man once told me...

If everyone got there deposit back,
What would the point in having a deposit be?

Oh wait, I just made that up ;)​

The car could have been sold to two individuals I knew for at or very near full price, but, were told a deal was struck and a deposit had either been received or was forthcoming. They found other cars since then.

Based on the circumstances, I don't believe it. The guy's got storage issues, but he's waiting for somebody with scheduling problems from out of state to show up? Sorry, the story doesn't make sense. And oh yeah, there's tons of rusty $1,200 Mopars being snapped up all the time these prospective buyers swooped in on after GTX turned them down? Sorry, not buyin' it.
Based on the circumstances, I don't believe it. The guy's got storage issues, but he's waiting for somebody with scheduling problems from out of state to show up? Sorry, the story doesn't make sense. And oh yeah, there's tons of rusty $1,200 Mopars being snapped up all the time these prospective buyers swooped in on after GTX turned them down? Sorry, not buyin' it.

Maybe because when you agree to sell something to someone and they say they are sending a deposit or the deposit has been received, you have a contract. Now, if GTX has sold the car to one of the two people I knew and shafted hemicop, he'd be bitching about that. GTX stuck to his agreement to SELL the car to hemicop.

It's about keeping your word on an agreement once you give it. GTX wasn't a snake.

I'll see if I can get the pictures of the car up later.
It's pretty obvious credibility is in question on both sides here. And I'll decide what I may or may not choose in keeping to my myself, thank you very much! You can't hide what transpired - the participants already publicized that. Maybe if more people understood the priciples involved, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

Still waiting for GTX to answer the questions I posed...

how come every time you post, you either attack someone or are just completely negative? you have no idea what the car looks like yet you call it a POS outright????
Being the guy that I am, I probably would have dished out the rest of the money for the dart since I came all that way, even if the car was not up to my expectations.
I don't think I could have left the man high and dry without taking possession of the car unless he was being a real prick and the car really turned out to be a severely rusted piece of junk.
I can understand the schedule issues as everybody has to juggle a million things from time to time.

Sounds like a very stressful set of circumstances for GTX with the time frame of storage and the issues with cop's time schedule.

Although, one should always ask tons of questions and get tons of pics before hand, even if it means having a little guilt for being such a speculative pain in the azz.

I hope you guys can resolve this and move on, and I'm glad this was posted as we can all learn something from this.

Just consider it another day in the life.

Shizzle happens.
Based on the circumstances, I don't believe it. The guy's got storage issues, but he's waiting for somebody with scheduling problems from out of state to show up? Sorry, the story doesn't make sense. And oh yeah, there's tons of rusty $1,200 Mopars being snapped up all the time these prospective buyers swooped in on after GTX turned them down? Sorry, not buyin' it.

a deposit works both ways ACE!

A buyer gives a deposite to hold the car till they can pay the remainding amount owing, by the agreed date.

A seller axcepts a deposite, and agrees NOT to sell the car to anyone else Unless, the current deposit holder backs out, or the time expires

I have taken deposits befor, then had people "SWOOPING" down , but I told them the car is sold, or, they can look at the car if they want, but I have a deposit for it, and I will only start to re sell it if the buyer doesn't come up with the money by the agreed date.

I have had people Beg, What If I give you $500 more than the asking price. Still NO!..

a deposite works both ways. clean and simple.

Sure grip and ace, Even if a date wasn't talked about in this sercumstance, Hemicop Said HE didn't want to buy it...DONE! contracts over, even if the date has not come or didn't exist to begin with. He broke the agreement.

and even if this was a peice of crap 4 dr ( like others have been saying) doesn't matter. GTX wasn't psting Pics of a 2 dr, then trying to give a 4dr away. I didn't see the ads, so I don't know, But I would HIGHLY DOUBT IT, and if that were the case, that would be an extreme!, and hemicop WOUlD deserve the deposite. But Thats not what happend

i could be wrong but i dont even think this was the 68 four door dart gtx is parting out it is for a 67 dart gt two door if i am right making that 1200 sound very reasonable 1200.00 for the four door wasnt out of line but for the two door gt ( i should mention im not positive its a gt but the pics show a gt grill) it seems very fair for the condition it is said to be in. Maybe im wrong but i think this the car in question

By the way i never knew you were such a philoshper (sp?) cudaspaz :-D:-D Justin
Im man enough to honor any deal I get myself into.What other deposits have you gotten back on breech of contract. Enough said. If he extended me the courtesies to buy his car he extended you i,d feel obligated to buy the car.Never enter a deal you arent sure to follow thru.:crybaby::crybaby:
i could be wrong but i dont even think this was the 68 four door dart gtx is parting out it is for a 67 dart gt two door if i am right making that 1200 sound very reasonable 1200.00 for the four door wasnt out of line but for the two door gt ( i should mention im not positive its a gt but the pics show a gt grill) it seems very fair for the condition it is said to be in. Maybe im wrong but i think this the car in question

By the way i never knew you were such a philoshper (sp?) cudaspaz :-D:-D Justin

If that is it, then that is a deal, I wouldn't be able to find that up here for under $3000
Sure grip and ace, Even if a date wasn't talked about in this sercumstance, Hemicop Said HE didn't want to buy it...DONE! contracts over, even if the date has not come or didn't exist to begin with. He broke the agreement.

I was not asking about dates. I was asking weather rules to the deposit were talked about before he turned down the car. When the buyer sent the seller the deposit. It is obvious that this was not discussed. It was "after the fact" he did not want to buy it.
I thought I locked this 2 pages ago but I guess I didnt. Lets let it die know. The partys involved will need to solve things themselves.
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