Been a hard few days .



Asa style
Jun 19, 2010
Reaction score
Don't matter
Well a storm came though and knocked out power for about 1 1/2 days . Lost all the food in the ice box. Have a tree laying on my house almost lost the cuda from anuther one. I just caint get ahead for nothing .
Life throws curve balls and it gets tough, Asa, you have shown us all that you always make it through times like keep your head up and be strong will get through this and you have a lot to be thankful for...i'll keep you in my prayers
Sending a prayer and positive thoughts your way buddy, before long this will just be a story to tell. Oh and please tell us how you get that tree off your house (Asa-style.)
Sorry to hear,Asa.. ...She&t does happen,in the same ballpark as you. Prayers sent,just stay on an even keel...
Thanks guys this is just rough . Ive been saving money so hard to pay off the pluming then pow. Just needed to vent . BTW yes i know i need to mow the mower also went down . caint win i swear lol


I think im going to go watch the race and forget bout it all for the next few hours . thanks for the vent guys.
Hang in there Asa! Things will settle down and brighten up for you!
life in Oklahoma ! a lot of us have been there. the ice storm a few yrs back did worse than that to me , we were w/o elec for 13 1/2 days. you`ll pull through it !
hey - I see good here - the power came back on (sucks to loose food, but it is replaceable), the car DIDN'T get hit and you're alive and well and here to vent!!! crack out the chainsaw, kick the lawnmowers butt (hey, if you can fix that old Mope... the mower should be a breeze) have a beer and then go for a ride in the 'cuda!!!!
Thanks again guys things aint got much better . I did borrow a mower . Got it 1/2 way knoked down . still have the tree on the house . (No chainsaw. Going to borrow one from my dad this week end . I dont have any money to buy the food back Intell the 1st. Went and got some milk and butter. Mac and cheese intell the 1st. Just Got to live though this i guess . If it was not for the damn pluming I would be alright LOL Still owe 1000 on that **** . just so we could **** lmao .
All the best Asa, man I feel for ya. As my 94 yr old and still kickin Gramma says, "its not what happens to you but how you deal with what happens to you"
Stay strong