Been fighting with my Millermatic 185....

Blew the cob webs out of it. All the connections were clean and tight. Took the feed wheel off and cleaned it. Backed the tension way down. Pulled out the liner that was in it and put the old one I saved back in it. The one that I removed was a generic one....that I cut about 3/8" too short. The one I put in was a Miller one....for .035 wire. Welds like there is no tomorrow now. No sputtering, no uneven feed.

I noticed the liner was not able to go up into the gas nozzle from me cutting it short. Hmmmm......wonder what the problem really was? I am even using the old .023 spool, the one that has been sitting out in the garage for 6-7 months or so.....
The short liner can cause drag going into the tip.That and the tight tension was probably the problem.slow moving small wire needs a smooth path more so than the big stuff.Glad you got it worked out.
Yeah, I just looked for Airgas up there. There's one locally but that's only the dry ice division. I suggest for videos. has some too.