Been in Hospital



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Just got out after 2 days!
My body tried like hell to kill me! I went into anaphylaxis Sunday and I didn't realize it. I started with hives on my chest and back. By early AM Monday I started swelling up. I could feel my nasal passages swelling as well as swelling in other places.
I went to get some Benedryl, the druggist looked at me and said I was beyond that, get to a ER.
Turns out my airway was swelling shut, my lips,my tongue, my eyes and hands were swollen to huge sizes.
the docs gave me steroids at first, no help. it took an epi-pen to stop the swelling. Finally around 10 pm last night the swelling started to go down.
Today, the doctor came in and explained to me just how bad it really was and if I had waited much longer, I could have died.
This scared the **** out of me!
You need to understand, I've been to some **** holes that the Army has sent me, but you go there with the understanding that something bad can happen. It's never good, but while its a shock to the system, you know in the back of your mind it's coming.
This came out of left field, caught me off guard and scared the hell out me.
Give you an idea what I looked like, just Google anaphylaxis.
I'm familiar with that, as I'm a licensed EMT.

Do you know what you ate or got into that caused the allergic reaction?

Glad your OK.
yeah buddy time to do a serious inventory of the hours leading up , something real bad for you came into contact for sure ! keep your stick on the ice .
Glad you got the help that you needed and we didn't loose you...
yeah buddy time to do a serious inventory of the hours leading up , something real bad for you came into contact for sure ! keep your stick on the ice .

No clue! Been thinking about that pretty hard all day. Took a tranny fluid bath when cooler hose blew on me Thursday. Doc said if that was the culprit, it would have happened sooner, I don't think I've eaten anything out of the ordinary. I don't care for shellfish or seafood so that's not a problem. I've been eating peanuts forever, none of my meds are in the groups that cause this. I'm seeing a allergy specialist in a couple weeks, hopefully we can figure this out. The Doc said they'll likely do a skin test on my back, if the allergen is part of a certain group of proteins they can narrow down from there. He also they they may never figure it out.
No clue! Been thinking about that pretty hard all day. Took a tranny fluid bath when cooler hose blew on me Thursday. Doc said if that was the culprit, it would have happened sooner, I don't think I've eaten anything out of the ordinary. I don't care for shellfish or seafood so that's not a problem. I've been eating peanuts forever, none of my meds are in the groups that cause this. I'm seeing a allergy specialist in a couple weeks, hopefully we can figure this out. The Doc said they'll likely do a skin test on my back, if the allergen is part of a certain group of proteins they can narrow down from there. He also they they may never figure it out.

Did you change condom brands by any chance?

Seriously glad to see your on the mend.
He also they they may never figure it out.

Well, that could be very inconvenient.

IF they don't figure it out, I would ask the Doc for an EpiPen, in the off chance it ever happens again and you can't get to help in a reasonable amount of time.

Think real hard about any chemicals or different foods that you may have come in contact with. I once had an issue when I got into some industrial epoxy, it messed me up for days.

Anaphylactic shock can come on real quick and can be fatal if treatment is too far out..
What were you doing on Sunday, maybe Sun. afternoon? Any neighbors burning stuff - leaves, debris? Did the Mrs. change her clothes detergent or prepare any food with new ingrediants? Get any slivers or anything out of the ordinary - or maybe even ordinary?
Hope you get to feeling better. That anaphylaxis sucks.
Dang man. What a way to bring in the new year. Glad you're ok. Did they ever figure out what triggered it? I googled it and bee stings and such seem popular causes.
Damn Chris, you scared the crap out of me just reading your post.

I'm so glad you're feeling better now.

Take care my friend.
That bad juju, man. You NEED to find out what caused it, and it COULD be something that your eaten or drank without reaction ever before.
Best wishes with the search.
Hope you don't ever have a repeat of that!! (And, if you get an Epi pen, make sure you show all your loved ones how to use it - I think you can get a training pen to practice with - or maybe it comes with one? I don't remember)
I agree... get and EpiPen. The next time you get into whatever caused the reaction you will likely have a faster onset of symptoms and it will be even more severe.
Hope you don't ever have a repeat of that!! (And, if you get an Epi pen, make sure you show all your loved ones how to use it - I think you can get a training pen to practice with - or maybe it comes with one? I don't remember)

And wear a medical bracelet telling anyone about it in case you ever get in a bad way.

Don't mean to be a downer, but something set it off, I truly hope they figure it out.

One thing to think about Chris, is there anything , anything at all, that you have added to your diet that you ate a few times that didn't bother you? Sometimes certain foods you can eat several times with no ill effects, and the whole time it builds up antibodies in your system until you eat it again and it sets off an allergic reaction.

Just something to ponder.
They gave me an epi-pen when I left today. I go to see an allergy specialist on the 9th. Tomorrow I'll make an appointment with my regular Doc and see if I can get a couple more Epi-pen's. I think I'd like for my wife to keep one in her purse and I'd like one in my desk drawer at work. I also ordered a trainer so my wife and some of the knot heads I work with can give me a shot. Lord I hope I never need another one of things again. The one I got yesterday hurt like hell.
Buddy I used to ride with had this happen once. We were 15 miles from his home. Started not feeling well, turned around and headed home. Got in the driveway, his wife was getting off the bike and down he went, bike & hrt on top of him. After some tests they found out that it was a food that he had been eating his entire life. Please get a full allergy test done,...
Wow that was rough and scary, good to hear IF it happens again you will be prepared.
Wow!!Glad your doing better, wishing you good results in the upcoming testing phase.