Beer Sale Time

Busch is about the worst beer I've ever tasted, can't imagine them making it worse, but apparently they did!
Man, I worked for the local Chevy dealer as their alignment mechanic late 80s-early 90s. ALL those boys drank was Busch Light Draft......because of the NASCAR Busch series. They ALWAYS were after me to stay late and drAnk with um. I did once or twice, but I got something else. I never fit in though, because I wasn't drinkin that PISS and I told them right quick like. That stuff's nasty. They never really liked me as "one of the guys" anyway, because I had a 71 Dart with a 360 that would SPANK *** on anything any of them had and they all knew it.
I drink Schooner nothing but . You can only get it in the Maritimes .
Rolling Rock used to have a 7 ounce bottle. A lotta bars had “A Bucket of Rocks”, 6 pony’s in a bucket of ice.
Miller and Old Vienna had 7 oz bottles, too. A case of 24 OV splits was $7.99 US. Perfect on a hot day. Pop the top, pound it, nothing left to get warm.
I saw six packs of the Miller ponies a couple of months ago, so I bought one. It helped me remember why I preferred O.V.
Rolling Rock used to have a 7 ounce bottle. A lotta bars had “A Bucket of Rocks”, 6 pony’s in a bucket of ice.

I remember them! I grew up in Waynesboro PA. Had a friend named Mike Yingling. Spelled differently so I'm not sure if he's related.
ahh! cheap beer! taking me right back to working in the dirty south and sweatin' balls!

i remember working in NO and there was a sign in the bar that advertised 75-cent hi-life ponies 11-till

i asked the bartender till when? he said: till they gone!

here's a twenty my good man...
Man, I worked for the local Chevy dealer as their alignment mechanic late 80s-early 90s. ALL those boys drank was Busch Light Draft......because of the NASCAR Busch series. They ALWAYS were after me to stay late and drAnk with um. I did once or twice, but I got something else. I never fit in though, because I wasn't drinkin that PISS and I told them right quick like. That stuff's nasty. They never really liked me as "one of the guys" anyway, because I had a 71 Dart with a 360 that would SPANK *** on anything any of them had and they all knew it.
same here. i was the weirdo who drank pacifico and drove ratty old cars.
Speaking of NO area...

I'll have to check at the liquor store to see if they have any more of this. It was okay, not great but not bad. High dollar when I bought it though.

I don't drink Budweiser. Long time ago I drank it once in awhile, but I also drank a lot of Milwaukee's best ,past Blue Ribbon ,hamms ,Meister brau, Henry weinhard's mostly. Now like most of my friends and anyone I know... we drink from local breweries or buy imports from bevmo or one of the liquor stores on hwy 101.
There's hundreds to choose from. Lately it's been Pizza Port's "Honey blonde".
I have to admit I have not seen any beer commercials in many years. Bare foot girls are common here, as is Lone Star.
c'mon man, i threw a meatball right down the middle for ya... even this soft california boy knows what's up

can we get your take on pearl and lone star along with girls in the back seat asleep in their bare feet?
I had friends that moved back to Pittsburgh from Texas. They always drank Pearl. There was a picture puzzle on the inside of the cap.
I also remember a beer called Nude Beer. There was a woman on the label that you would scratch off the clothes like a lottery ticket to reveal a naked woman.
Yea, I’ve drank a lotta beer.
Jakob Böehm and a Yuengling.
Yeh, the Japs bought out Jim Beam, but it's still made in Kentucky.

When drinking beer, you acquire a taste. You drink the same beer and everything else is terrible. In the early 70's we used to drink Schaefer Beer. I went to Michigan and everybody there was drinking Bud. So after a week of drinking Bud, I could no longer stand Schaefer. So from then on I was a Bud drinker till we were introduced to Dylan. I was stationed in Denver 60 years ago and the beer of choice was Coors 3.2. So I'm back to drinking Coors lite because I'm watching my weight.
I couldn't find out when they count the point of sale, but I believe it is when the beer truck delivers it to the store and it changes ownership. The pallet of bud lite I saw in the supermarket a few days ago had an expiration date of Aug. 4. So, if that beer doesn't sell out by then, the distributor has to remove it from the store and replace it. So the sales numbers might be even worse in the future.

I was talking to the lady that restocks the aisle with toothpaste, aspirin, shampoo, etc. and she told me that the computer does all the reordering for the next day. A pallet comes in from the supermarket warehouse wrapped in plastic wrap and ready to go onto the shelves. One day she was shooting the products with a 'ray gun' and manually counting the items and putting that number into the ray gun. I asked why and she said it was because of all the stealing that was going on.
So, what is the difference? ---------- The container?
When I wa young kid, mom told me tonever drank beer, she said it tastes lke horse piss. I asked how she knew. MOM was born in 1907. She said when you were rasied on a big farm with lots of horses and mules and 9 brother and sisters, there are somethings you just know. You figure it out?
I don't drink Budweiser. Long time ago I drank it once in awhile, but I also drank a lot of Milwaukee's best ,past Blue Ribbon ,hamms ,Meister brau, Henry weinhard's mostly. Now like most of my friends and anyone I know... we drink from local breweries or buy imports from bevmo or one of the liquor stores on hwy 101.
There's hundreds to choose from. Lately it's been Pizza Port's "Honey blonde".
I used to exclusively drink imports and micros, but then I started day drinking in the shop and quickly learned you can't do that with high gravity brews. A friend finally convinced be to try a Miller Lite, and I converted. But it has to be ICE COLD or else it tastes like ball sweat. It's just easier to keep the whistle wet with something light when you're working.

I do still keep the fridge stocked with "good" beers, but those are reserved for after hours. Plus, they've gotten soooo expensive.
I used to exclusively drink imports and micros, but then I started day drinking in the shop and quickly learned you can't do that with high gravity brews. A friend finally convinced be to try a Miller Lite, and I converted. But it has to be ICE COLD or else it tastes like ball sweat. It's just easier to keep the whistle wet with something light when you're working.

I do still keep the fridge stocked with "good" beers, but those are reserved for after hours. Plus, they've gotten soooo expensive.

it's the damn price of beer not avocado toast that's keeping us millennials from buying houses!

all kidding aside, i switched over to NA for shop time/day drinking. find that scratches the itch pretty well and doesn't break the bank, there's some decent tasting stuff out there now too. it's not like it was years ago where there was only like two options.

(for the record, no i am not a millennial and i already own my house)
it's the damn price of beer not avocado toast that's keeping us millennials from buying houses!

all kidding aside, i switched over to NA for shop time/day drinking. find that scratches the itch pretty well and doesn't break the bank, there's some decent tasting stuff out there now too. it's not like it was years ago where there was only like two options.

(for the record, no i am not a millennial and i already own my house)
Don’t get me started on millennials…lol.

What do you like for NA? I’ve tried Busch NA and it’s okay, just wondering if there’s others I’m missing.