Best building for vehicle storage question



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FABO Gold Member
Jan 18, 2006
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Here in Iowa it gets pretty cold in the winter. That being said, If I was to build a pole building, what is the best combination of a building and materials for cold vehicle storage to prevent moisture, mildew, and rust. I have heard a pole building with a gravel floor works well. I rent a storage garage with concrete floor with insulated footings and insulated walls and ceiling. It stays dry there. What works good for you? thanks, tmm
I'm 40 miles out of Iowa. Gravel is the worst to have it's always letting moister up from the ground. Metal buildings are great if there insulated. My building is 45 X 40 12in walls and 18in insulated ceiling, has hot water heat in the floors, concrete poured over plastic then 2in pink board Building is heated with a 50 gal hot water heated and maintains 63 degrees and runs very little.
I would agree. You want some sort of ground vapor barrier.

A heated insulated building would be "best."

Actually "the best" would be to seal the car in a great big airtight box, pull a partial vacuum to get the moisture out, use dessicant, and then flood the container with either nitrogen or CO2, and maintain a bit of pressure above ambient to prevent influx.

Of course, LOL, I don't have that kind of money.
pour siftings about 4-6 inches deep and smooth it out. once smooth spray it with a garden hose until wet. sets up hard as hell. siftings are a dust/gravel mix and are cheap at any rock quarry. we used them in all our pole barns in ks.