big time rant need to vent!!!!



Legandary Member
Legendary Member
Feb 5, 2009
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sabillasville md.
I just found out tonite at the dinner table that my son needs to buy a book for his class to learn how to talk the mexican language.and I refuse to buy it no way shape or form!!!Dammit!!I told him if he has to learn it the school will provide it..he said the reason is so they can keep it after school and the future.....BULL Sh!!.I seiad that book won't make a good wheel chuck or door stop at my house.why can't they learn our language to be here just like we have to learn theirs If we were dumb enough to go over there..I'M sorry but with everything else that's going on I sure as hell don't need this.I don't mean to be stepping on any toes and i'm sure I will regret posting it but right at the moment I don't care!!!!!! but I still love all you guys..thanks for letting me vent.........Artie
You're kidding right?

All this huff and puff nonsense is doing nothing excepting holding your kid back in life. Its nothing, but an advantage to be able to speak two languages.

I swear, we might be in the modern world, but people just seem to get simpler and simpler.
Well your rant is a great big


First it is not "the mexican language"

I'm 65, and I came from a very small town with what would be classed as a not very good local school system. But even back then, (I graduated in 66) our school system taught Spanish, French, and Latin to those who wanted it. I took none of them, but a great deal of the English lanuage comes from those other languages.

There are many jobs in this country where having a speaking knowledge of Spanish could mean better pay, or a job instead of none
A few members of my adoptive family are employees of the federal Government and they speak multiple languages.....the languages have only opened more doors to them and boosted their pay and we are not just talking "tips", im talking big $$$ (like drive a Mercedes big). They use these languages to serve the U.S. Government in a positive way with a unique service and they get to see the world.

there is no money in Spanish (or Mexican for those ignorant enough to think there is a language called "Mexican" ) anymore but there are other languages out there that would be a benefit to learn.
Wanna hear something really stupid? The Bibb County public schools teach children.......wait for it..............

Mandarin Chinese.

I could understand Spanish. I would actually support that, but Mandarin Chinese? You gotta be kiddin me. Lemmie tell you something, Artie. Spanish is an opportunity. I have a niece majoring in Spanish in college right now. Know what she wants to do? She wants to go into law enforcement as an interpreter. That's just one of a million different opportunities.
Wanna hear something really stupid? The Bibb County public schools teach children.......wait for it..............

Mandarin Chinese.

I could understand Spanish. I would actually support that, but Mandarin Chinese? You gotta be kiddin me. Lemmie tell you something, Artie. Spanish is an opportunity. I have a niece majoring in Spanish in college right now. Know what she wants to do? She wants to go into law enforcement as an interpreter. That's just one of a million different opportunities.

Must be an elective course. Some schools have the ability to offer a wide range of language courses. A buddy of mine went to a hs that offered Japanese as a language. Not terribly useful, but certainly not a bad thing.
I have a niece majoring in Spanish in college right now. Know what she wants to do? She wants to go into law enforcement as an interpreter. That's just one of a million different opportunities.

She just want to be able to say "UP AGAINST THE WALL MF" in thier own language. :D:D:D
I agree with both of the views here #1 not learning our language in our country is bull crap and should be required of all immigrants [my wife did it] i'm sure they would not learn English for us [except in tourist traps] #2 as stated our children learning other languages only increases their ability to obtain employment with company's that do business overseas or become better managers. I personally wish I had learned Spanish so that I could converse with some of our employees whom don't speak English that well, I work with Spanish, Bosnian, Serbian, Asian people most of them speak English but some not so good. I only speak English [I understand Korean kinda and know some words] but don't speak it.
A buddy of mine went to a hs that offered Japanese as a language. Not terribly useful, but certainly not a bad thing.

You'd be surprised. With Japanese (Kanji, Romaji, Hiragana, Katakana) on the resume, quite a few software and game companies would be interested in employing you as a translator.

I know a bit of a few languages, just enough to make my brain hurt, not enough to really do anything (lol).
I don't think immigrants should have to learn English.
Just don't demand a taxpayer supported translator, or signs and documents in a foriegn language on all of our taxpayer financed documents.
Or phone services in multiple languages.

Either learn the language or miss out.
Simple enough.
I agree with both of the views here #1 not learning our language in our country is bull crap and should be required of all immigrants [my wife did it] i'm sure they would not learn English for us [except in tourist traps] #2 as stated our children learning other languages only increases their ability to obtain employment with company's that do business overseas or become better managers. I personally wish I had learned Spanish so that I could converse with some of our employees whom don't speak English that well, I work with Spanish, Bosnian, Serbian, Asian people most of them speak English but some not so good. I only speak English [I understand Korean kinda and know some words] but don't speak it.

Other countries have official languages. As an immigrant nation, we do not. I don't sweat people who won't learn English. They aren't taking any job id ever want.
Chinese is going to be more and more valuable to know. Chinese companies are buying up so much. Smithfield Foods just got bought out.
The way the post is written, it sounds to me like the Spanish class is a requirement. Some schools are that way. Just went thru that with my niece. If it is a requirement, then yes I agree that the school should provide the book.

As for the rest of it, it is his prerogative.
If it is a requirement, then yes I agree that the school should provide the book.

Dang ....I wish the books were provided in college for the core curriculum. every semester was $600. + just for books all the way through my masters program.
I can see the issue here or atleast part of it. Use to be we had to buy 2 boxes of Kleenex for the school. Now we are buying, dry erase markers, anti bacterial wipes, red checking pens on top of the Kleenex and a few other things I cant think of off hand. This does kind of urk me seems each year they add something to the supply lists that isnt directly for the kids.
That's what happens when the gub'mint takes money away from schools and gives it all to banks and car companies that suck at managing themselves.
That's what happens when the gub'mint takes money away from schools and gives it all to banks and car companies that suck at managing themselves.

on the flip side, the public schools are really a business producing a product so why should the gub'mint give the schools money when their product stinks and kids are getting dumber and dumber and buying more Toyotas and colleges have to offer remedial classes by the increasing masses so kids can pay for what they should have received in High school.
They don't seem to have a problem, throwing money at car companies that are producing products that aren't valuable enough to create a real demand. The same companies can't even manage themselves well enough to boost their own sales or refuse to downsize without the government's micro-managing everything.

So what's the difference?

Schools are not for profit. That's a big one. Not to mention that they are putting more stress on the teachers with larger classes, to carry the load and expect a higher GPA turnout, from larger classes.

I'd like to see more boarded up car dealerships and fewer boarded up schools.

I'm sure you would have appreciated the money that was totally wasted on cash for clunkers, destroying cars that could have been donated to single parents and other peope, who couldn't afford to buy a car, and give the money to people like you, for college, instead.

Maybe, I dunno, so people can learn how to run a business instead of leaching off of others?
I agree that if a school isn't turning out the numbers it should be, that ADMINISTRATION should be cut and replaced, but not the school.

That's like saying that if a car doesn't run, it should be crushed, rather than fixed.

Sure. Then four other people can carpool with the one person who has a running car and everyone will get where they need to go, 5x slower.

The upcoming local elections are actually trying to push for a tax and spending increase that goes directly to hiring new teachers, to shrink class sizes and that it is specifically not to go to administration.

I hope that in the future, people can understand the importance of teaching a population about how to run and organize itself.

Why do schools suck? Why does the economy suck? It's for the same reason that the City of Detroit, Michigan filed for bankruptcy. THERE IS NO INDUSTRY.
They don't seem to have a problem, throwing money at car companies that are producing products that aren't valuable enough to create a real demand. The same companies can't even manage themselves well enough to boost their own sales or refuse to downsize without the government's micro-managing everything.

So what's the difference?

Schools are not for profit. That's a big one. Not to mention that they are putting more stress on the teachers with larger classes, to carry the load and expect a higher GPA turnout, from larger classes.

I'd like to see more boarded up car dealerships and fewer boarded up schools.

I'm sure you would have appreciated the money that was totally wasted on cash for clunkers, destroying cars that could have been donated to single parents and other peope, who couldn't afford to buy a car, and give the money to people like you, for college, instead.

Maybe, I dunno, so people can learn how to run a business instead of leaching off of others?

you have a point ....I was just sayin...because I work part time at a university now that I graduated and it seems every new batch of kids coming in go straight to remedial classes.

English and math 098 and 099 are usually filled up before the higher classes and it leaves me in awe thinking that these same classes are in high schools for FREE!!! and here they are paying 800 - 1000 per class with in state tuition rates and most are on financial aid which still comes from the Federal and State .....unbelieveable
Oh, I know. Amy went through a few remedial tutoring, including math 099, because the 10,000+ student High School she went to was garbage.

They're handing out HS diplomas at Redbox, I've heard.

Amy is in advanced calculus now and she may end up taking trig, going for her Bachelor in Small Business Management and Major in Accounting. She wants to be a CPA. I'm all for it. This country could use a few more good CPAs to help get these bigger companies out of trouble, so they can actually provide jobs.

Going to school and working is no fun, but she found a Tax firm that will work around her hours. She can't get a campus job to help with costs. There is no demand, where she's going, or where she is transferring to at DU, next fall.

The answer is to shrink class sizes. Less stress on the teacher, better attitude, better teaching curriculum, better students, smaller remedial class sizes in colleges...

It would also help if colleges continued teaching industrial arts and trade. Some of the things that I do are a dying art. I don't know where I could have learned what I know, if I hadn't picked it up from 60+ year old teachers, showing me how to on their off time, over beer, at their houses.
The "No child left behind" Lunacy is one of the reasons for remedial classes in collage.

I say yes to the Industrial Arts Programs and to the Music & Art Programs in both Jr. High and High school.

I think its wise to learn Spanish now along with Chinese in the near future as the US will soon be 50% people who came from Spanish speaking countries.

Like it or not the Chinese will replace the US as the world standard for the monetary system sometime in this century. We have set our selfs up for this in the last 50 years.
The way the post is written, it sounds to me like the Spanish class is a requirement. Some schools are that way. Just went thru that with my niece. If it is a requirement, then yes I agree that the school should provide the book.

As for the rest of it, it is his prerogative.

it should be an elective, not a requirement.
we live in America, we speak english and we use to have choices!