is a joke

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Just for the record, is poorly ran, and is close minded to few members. they cannot except criticism, and ban you for it. just my two cents
Funny, I was just mentioning that sort of stuff here this morning. I was a member there from about '03. When they changed the host, I lost my log in information and had to re-register. I tried to post some for sale ads over there and they got deleted. The mods said I didn't have all the mandatory information in the ad. Had they bothered to read the whole post they would have seen that it was all there. Then the kitties over there had a post going about how they didn't want to deal with anyone that wasn't a frequent poster, paid member, trusted friend. I don't offer my parts the that site. They are afraid of everything for sale related.
don't know what happened to you over there but i can honestly say that is the best place on the net for a-body tech...

Then the kitties over there had a post going about how they didn't want to deal with anyone that wasn't a frequent poster, paid member, trusted friend.

oh brother.. that is a load of crap... there has been quite a few guys burned over there by sellers.. all the people said was be careful of guys that you don't know.. you are more likely to know how good a guys rep is after a couple hundred posts rather then 1 sale post...
hatethis68 said:
Just for the record, is poorly ran, and is close minded to few members. they cannot except criticism, and ban you for it. just my two cents

so what exactly got you banned?
abodyjoe said:
don't know what happened to you over there but i can honestly say that is the best place on the net for a-body tech...

oh brother.. that is a load of crap... there has been quite a few guys burned over there by sellers.. all the people said was be careful of guys that you don't know.. you are more likely to know how good a guys rep is after a couple hundred posts rather then 1 sale post...

Well said Joe.

If you got banned, you must have really been pushing somebodies buttons.
To date, I only know of a handfull of people that have been banned, except for the spammers.
I'll say this.

I sell more parts to BBD and FABO members than anyone on moparts.

Never had an issue at BBD. Guess I don't stir the pot enough.

I like all the sites.

Yes, be carefull about who you deal with as I'm one of those that got burned. I don't "whine" about it, but, I put the info out to warn others. Not looking for sympathy. I do know people that frequent the sites know the douchebag thats screwed at least 10 people I know of out of 30K+. It would be nice to get some help in nabbing him, but, that's not happening either.
i have sold parts there to, but if you differ in opinion on a subject, they cry like little babies
I never had a problem there in the past, and I liked the site. I also feel you can tell more about someone from more than one post. I had a bad day there with a quick draw moderator that didn't take the time to pay attention to what he was doing before he whacked my for sale ads. They were very hipocritical with their response to me. I'll browse the site once in awhile, but my parts won't go up for sale there anymore. Those same people can read my 100% positive feedback score on ebay and buy my part there.
The best part is, since I had to re-register @ BBD, I can't check any profiles to see who I'm dealing with, since now I'm new again...
I've Always used their tech page and links. I've e-mailed them a few time and gotten a good reply. Even about small blocks. I do think forabodiesonly has a better forum, as does moparstyle. Oh well, better luck next time.
BBD, FABO, and Moparts are the only 3 sites I frequent...and I'm a Mod on 2 of the 3. I have to agree with Joe on this one -- you must have REALLY pushed someone's buttons to get banned from BBD. Just like here -- you have to REALLY piss one of the mods off to get banned from any of the sites. I will admit, Moparts is much heavier handed, but that is the way Tom wants it -- with 10,000+ members, I don't think he's doing too bad. BBD and FABO are much looser, but you cross the line and you'll hit the road. You must have crossed that line. All the time I have spent on BBD and FABO, I have never seen favortism play a part. As a mod, we are asked to be unbiased in our decisions and I, for one, will put my best friend on vacation just as quick as my worst enemy. I feel I am a very laid back mod and you really have to piss me off to wind up on the wrong side of the fence. 'Nuff said...

As far as parts sales it so hard to include a price and contact info? These aren't auction sites...if you want to auction off your parts, put them on eBay. If you don't want anyone to contact you, then don't try and sell your parts on these sites. As far as I know, the only thing any of these sites ask for is a price and contact info to be included in your ad. No contact info...what are you hiding from? No obviously want to much for it. Newbies selling parts? One of our biggest complaints is from members that have been burned by someone with three posts and all three were parts sales posts. Is posting ten times going to stop people from getting burned? Probably not, but it's a small measure we take to try and protect some of our members. Buying/selling parts is always "buyer beware", but not everyone looks at it that way. Some buyers are nieve and just come to expect every deal to work out in thier favor. As we all know, that's not always the case though. 'Nuff said.
thats the site that brought me into the world of A bodies an ill always look at it as the grandfather of a body sites to ME!!!! ive never had a problem with any of the guys over there,an yes i to lost my name an all my post but that didnt stop me from askin away i dont know if u all notice but i post the same Q's on there as i do an here an all my mopar sites.There all a diferent crowd an for some there the ones to ask about Big Blocks an this site is more over on small blocks an even moparts if u want to know what a bolt or a part is on yur car go to them for a quick answer an all the older guys know that part like that back of there hands.its all of these sites that helped me grow into a HUGE mopar nut an i thanks all off them for doing so i learn new stuff everyday im only 20 so i need as much info as possible to go faster or look cooler doin it.every site has its goods an bads its just that u need to know what yur getting into on all of them.

I always put a price, location and contact info in my ads. I appreciate that information being given as well and understand why people want it there. It's when someone takes a quick finger to the delete button because he's so used to doing it, and can't admit a mistake afterwards that I go elsewhere with my parts. As for newbies, if the site had managed it's information like it should have, most of us wouldn't be newbies there at all. 'Nuff said. So, I still use that site, but I just don't offer them any deals. You'll have to be a member of FOBO or CMC or Moparts to see my ads. No big deal.
The problem with BBD is,Mr.R has a problem with people that have different pionts of view and show there view pionts in writing as long as its not getting out of hand.He does not having a conflick over a a subject,where two people can be pro right,and the other pro left.I would encourage extreme view pionts on any matter and post them as long as you are respectfull to the other people,and don,t start F-in this,f-in that.I agree to disagree with alot of people and use it too build your mind.Over there,if you are not red,white and blue,and stick up for the right people,you get the red button pushed on your address,and god forbid you say some thing against MR.R suspension system,then its state troopers at your door.There are a few NUT CASES over their,and only a few,most are good people when you get to know them.Just because you have a site,does not make you god because you can delete a post because you disagree with 60-70% over their,you have your opinion and are allowed to have it,and should stick to it 100%,until you feel you have seen the light or a different way to look at a problem.I am on for that reason,you are allowed to say what is on your mind about MOPAR related item,and no religion,goverment,etc,as thats when you really start to fling the ****.How many of you can stand if front of your close freind,tell each other what you think of them in a proper manner and still go for a beer after words?,and still care about each other,It won,t happen over their.Not ever one see,s the sky being blue,or the grass green,and we have to understand this and even step back and ask,is what he says true? or is there a piont? or is it B/S.Every one has his/her reason for thinking a certain way,and all are valid reasons,cutting off peoples minds to other ways of thinking is just wrong.Mrmopartech
Was on BBD site and noticed that the for sale, wanted and barter parts forums are coming down 4-30-07. Another case of a very few people SCREWING THINGS UP for everybody else.
dusterdon said:
Was on BBD site and noticed that the for sale, wanted and barter parts forums are coming down 4-30-07. Another case of a very few people SCREWING THINGS UP for everybody else.

yup.. too many people that can't follow simple directions. and too many people getting ripped off. just ask illbill he knows all about it..
The problems must have been on going, it's been months since I tried listing there.
For the record, I've never had a bad deal from any site.
oh its been ongoing allright... years now.. it just turns to more trouble then its worth... problem is people don't realize how much work a forum is... i have a small one with like 90 members and its a real pain to keep up with all the drama...

as with allot of other good things a few idiots ruin it for the others..
AHEM... its like 89 people... not

hey if you dont like bbd... dont go there thats all...
ME? lol

Since I was not the one to bring this up, I am going to respond.

I said it before in a post about them, and in turn had some whiners cry to the mods here (I am sure members of the club), because I voiced my opinions of the self centered "better than thou" attitudes of the losers that hang out there. I received a pm from a mod here (I won't name names) this is its content, I am sure you will receive the same type of pm.

Un-named mod for FABO
"Could you do me a favor. Ive had a few complaints about your statement about the BB Dart site in this thread:

Im not questioning the right or wrong of what your saying, but in the interest of keeping peace, I would rather you didnt bash their board publically. It'll just piss people off and cost us members here.

Thanks, I appreciate your understanding and help."

Hmmm, seems the big concern here is "keeping members" if the members being referred to are the same children who have pissy crappy attitudes there, why on God's green earth would anyone want them here is beyond me, other than maybe they want maximum ad exposure.

This is what I said EXACTLY in that thread

"but I rarely suggest that site to people as I feel the majority of those guys have serious attitude problems, something to do with the belief that because they have a BB in their Dart they are the only ones who know anything about these cars and they generally behave like children in my experiences with them"

Yup, HARD CORE SITE BASHING, if you ask me............................NOT.

I too, do not post anything for sale and won't even bother to look at any of their selling/wanted/barter crap; none of them deserves the opportunity. I am also aware of who the members are who post regular there and here, and I will not acknowledge their adds here either (with maybe the rare exception) The tech pages only have slight value in that the pictures are still linked to the actual thread they were originally attached to. Truth be known, that’s all the info they really want there, I think. They certainly don't want a mopar community, they have proved that time and again.

Attitude of members and censorship of posts (ad's or otherwise), destroy web based communication forums. People get pissed when they get treated poorly, and they go to other web sites and spread the word. Maybe some will take note; this site is not above those types of repercussions.

Just because there are few sites that cater to the mopar aficionado’s does not mean that the mods that work them can "do as they please" which is exactly the behavior I have seen in all of them. But I guess no one will really take notice and think about it until they are gone and there are no sites left. That’s alright though, I have lived and breathed mopars and was playing with them long before there was a world wide web, and will continue to do so with or without web sites full of self proclaimed word cops. I also regularly copy threads and pictures of tech I want to keep so that even if a lame site that had a great thread about "how to move leaf springs into the frame" disappears, I still have the info.

I have a membership over at BigBabyDarts also, but I never log in over there, because they stink (my opinion). A big block in your car just means your car can't handle corners as well as mine and is a gas guzzling dinosaur that belongs in a museum; sure as hell don't mean you know anymore than someone else.

One other note (friendly advice) to anyone else who has a problem with a site that has mods who think they are the "Be all, End all, God of their universe type attitudes", get e-mail addy's of as many of the fellow NON admin members that you can. That way when the mods try to ban you, you can e-mail all the fellow members thru e-mail and let them know what is going on. (As long as the reason you were banned wasn't because you were hacking, posting ****, or other UN-acceptable behavior, and screen shots of any pm's from said admins are important in this technique) They in turn can spread the word to all the others who would otherwise be unaware of why someone is no longer posting to a web site. I have personally had mods removed from their position, with this technique, at other sites. And if fellow members spread the word and the mods keep banning everyone because they are spreading the word of said mods behavior, how long do you think that site will be around?

After 10 years of surfing the net and posting to more sites than I can recall, I do not pull punches, I call it as I see it.

you call it as you see it..

not for nothing there krabysniper but i seem to remember you getting pretty nasty with people there because they didn't agree with something you said.. maybe you didn't mean it the way it looked but i can tell you that some of the stuff you posted there seemed pretty nasty to me ....

on a side note there has only ever been a handfull of guys banned from that site.. and ino the same guy signing up over and over under different names doesn't count as multiple people.. :)
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