Bit chilly this morning...

@75slant6...have a question. Will your propane supplier just fill it up? Woman up the road ran out. Her propane supplier will not fill the tank up without performing a leak test. They told her that it "standard operating procedure"...
No idea. Was hoping it'd hold out till we start getting paid again after New Years but I reckon I'll bite the bullet and call em first thing in the morning and see about getting some gas
Some cold temps around. Ours ain't that bad, just all over the place. Was 10F Friday morning. Today around 8AM it was over 50. Tomorrow same time expecting about 20F.
Remember late '70's in S Dakota stationed at airbase outside town. Those were some cold a$$ winters. Below zero before windchill, and minus 45 and more with. Lived in a trailer off base, and it got so cold even the toilet froze, I ****, kid you not. My '71 had the thermostat froze shut, had to take it out, then place a full piece of cardboard over radiator for it to get heat. Ended up cutting about a 9 inch circle so it would go to middle on the gauge. LOL. But I was a teenager still, overcame that and plenty more. Just wisdom for the ages. LOL
Remember late '70's in S Dakota stationed at airbase outside town. Those were some cold a$$ winters. Below zero before windchill, and minus 45 and more with. Lived in a trailer off base, and it got so cold even the toilet froze, I ****, kid you not. My '71 had the thermostat froze shut, had to take it out, then place a full piece of cardboard over radiator for it to get heat. Ended up cutting about a 9 inch circle so it would go to middle on the gauge. LOL. But I was a teenager still, overcame that and plenty more. Just wisdom for the ages. LOL
6 degrees right now, here.
-7 this morning. Woke up and had to rush outside. Horn was blowing on my truck. One of the horns must have had moisture turn to ice and shorted it out. Just what I felt like doing on a below zero morning, ya know, jump out of bed and throw some boots on, pop a hood and yank on a wire.... LOL
Remember late '70's in S Dakota stationed at airbase outside town. Those were some cold a$$ winters. Below zero before windchill, and minus 45 and more with. Lived in a trailer off base, and it got so cold even the toilet froze, I ****, kid you not. My '71 had the thermostat froze shut, had to take it out, then place a full piece of cardboard over radiator for it to get heat. Ended up cutting about a 9 inch circle so it would go to middle on the gauge. LOL. But I was a teenager still, overcame that and plenty more. Just wisdom for the ages. LOL
Worked with a guy that was stationed at that base. Annie had lots of cold weather stories from there. One of his friends lost some body parts from the frost bite.
-7 this morning. Woke up and had to rush outside. Horn was blowing on my truck. One of the horns must have had moisture turn to ice and shorted it out. Just what I felt like doing on a below zero morning, ya know, jump out of bed and throw some boots on, pop a hood and yank on a wire.... LOL
Good times...
We have returned to our normal temperature. It is 24* this morning...snowing lightly. Saying we may get 3-4" of snow. The tail end of this front will bring warmer temperatures so that it turns to rain.
Cooking today....
85 right now feels like temp? 90! I may need to plug in the ol cummins tonight? BAAAAAAAAAH HAAAAAAAAA!
85 right now feels like temp? 90! I may need to plug in the ol cummins tonight? BAAAAAAAAAH HAAAAAAAAA!
Don't forget to bundle up when you go to plug it
Now that it has warmed up I will be getting around to smoking some cheese...will keep you posted Sir...