Blowing voltage regulators

Only the regulator, first time alternator of natural causes.

This is the points type regulator

What harness did you use? Is there any premade kit that is plug and play or did you use an universal kit?

Going to go tinker with it as I got the new regulator, read somewhere about adding an additional ground wire to it, so I will try that and put an wire between the regulator and the engine block/firewall ground.

It very possibly could have grounded on the case. I also have no clue what this third wire is supposed to connect to.

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What year, etc ?
Could be temperature sender.
Could be power to horn relay.

I didn't quite follow all that, but I was thinking of just redoing the whole harness with this Speedway Universal 22 Circuit Wiring Harness
IMO that's a whole lot of trouble!
Like someone else posted, that's for someone who completely reworking a car. You know - the guys who want a new car in an old car shell.

Where in Del are you? (you can send me a PM if you don;'t want to post that). if you're not far I could run down if needed
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What year, etc ?
Could be temperature sender.
Could be power to horn relay.

IMO that's a whole lot of trouble!
Like someone else posted, that's for someone who completely reworking a car. You know - the guys who want a new car in an old car shell.

Where in Del are you? (you can send me a PM if you don;'t want to post that). if you're not far I could run down if needed
I'm up in Wilmington. I really think this car could use some new wiring and probably a timing adjustment but I've been insanely busy with work so I've been putting it off.
I'm up in Wilmington. I really think this car could use some new wiring and probably a timing adjustment but I've been insanely busy with work so I've been putting it off.
That's close enough for me to drive to. No rush. Get to it as time allows (unless its your daily drive). Offer will remain open.
What year and model? Looks like its pre-70.
Did you find an answer on this? I blew the same wire on mine.

In my case, it was a bad battery. It was causing my alternator to charge constantly, blowing VR's left & right. I didn't suspect the battery since there was no other signs, like the starter dragging, or dim lights. Then, the battery just quit all of the sudden, wouldn't even turn over once. All better now, it's been daily driven now for a month and a half.
The ammeter must have been showing that that the battery was charging all the time.
Unless of course, it was bypassed...