Boobs are not fair.

Here is a picture of her*


*just kidding, stole this off the net.
Man, that's enough to make my tongue hard!
All I can say is....

No, boobs are not fair and neither is life. :p Enjoy both and move on......
I'm just amazed that a cop would let someone get away with it. That to me is an even bigger crime. Had she hit and killed someone that night after being pulled over that cop would be in more trouble than you can imagine.
a buddy of mine was telling me a story about a friend of his who, years ago, got pulled over and had a cop tell him to head home because he'd had to much to drink. The guy ends up putting the nose of his car through a convenience store window. The (same) cop shows up and says "well, I guess I'm going to have to give you that DUI now..."
The guy says "no, I guess not, because if I'd been drunk when you stopped me a few minutes ago, you wouldn't have let me go, would you?"
No DUI for him.

btw, a (hot) girl I used to work with had been stopped for speeding about 6 times on the same stretch of road, and crying got her out of tickets every single time.
Note the angle, I was the passenger and no DUI for me. :hello1::hello1:


  • Ewa Sonnet Take Us On A Cleavage Car Ride, She Has Built-In Airbags www_GutterUncensored_com 08.jpg
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Being a cop means doing what is right, because it's the right thing to do. The potential consequences of making making a bad call can cost people their lives, or change their lives beyond imagination. Their families never recover.

Right? Like smoking your tires off on a public street?[/QUOTE]

Not like that at all.

Smoking your tires on a public street CAN be dangerous, depending on the situation. Doing a u-turn , doing 5 over, 10 under or talking on your cell phone while driving are also all things that CAN result in an accident. But if the driver doing those things with a clear head chances are an accident will not happen. Not saying any or all of those things are are right or wrong. Just saying.

Drinking and driving IS INHERENTLY dangerous as the driver's reflexes and decision making is affected 100% of the time he/she is on the road. This is clearly shown by the very first decision a drinking driver drive at all. Everything after that just goes downhill.
Last night my wife and one of her co-workers were talking about another co-worker whose husband just got out of jail for a DUI a month ago, and was involved in an accident last week where he hit two pedestrians after blowing a stop sign - killing one of them. DRUNK OF COURSE! In typical fashion they are discussing how hard it must be for all involved, and how he was already out on bail, probably because this is his second offense. I said, are you kidding? If he was in jail for a DUI before, THAT was probably his 5th or 6th!! and HE SHOULD ROT IN HELL!
